Intelligently Optimizing Constrained Random

Intelligently Optimizing Constrained Random
by Bernard Murphy on 07-12-2022 at 6:00 am

Potential coverage problems min

“Who guards the guardians?” This is a question from Roman times which occurred to me as relevant to this topic. We use constrained random to get better coverage in simulation. But what ensures that our constrained random testbenches are not wanting, maybe over constrained or deficient in other ways? If we are improving with a faulty… Read More

HLS in a Stanford Edge ML Accelerator Design

HLS in a Stanford Edge ML Accelerator Design
by Bernard Murphy on 06-16-2022 at 6:00 am

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I wrote recently about Siemens EDA’s philosophy on designing quality in from the outset, rather than trying to verify it in. The first step is moving up the level of abstraction for design. They mentioned the advantages of HLS in this respect and I refined that to “for DSP-centric applications”. A Stanford group recently presented… Read More

Podcast EP81: The Future of Neural Processing with Quadric’s Steve Roddy

Podcast EP81: The Future of Neural Processing with Quadric’s Steve Roddy
by Daniel Nenni on 05-20-2022 at 10:00 am

Dan is joined by Steve Roddy, chief marketing officer of Quadric, a leading processor technology intellectual property (IP) licensor. Roddy brings more than 30 years of marketing and product management expertise across the machine learning (ML), neural network processor (NPU), microprocessor, digital signal processor

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Webinar: AMS, RF and Digital Full Custom IC Designs need Circuit Sizing

Webinar: AMS, RF and Digital Full Custom IC Designs need Circuit Sizing
by Daniel Payne on 01-02-2022 at 10:00 am

circuit sizing min

My career started out by designing DRAM circuits at Intel, and we manually sized every transistor in the entire design to get the optimum performance, power and area. Yes, it was time consuming, required lots of SPICE iterations and was a bit error prone. Thank goodness times have changed, and circuit designers can work smarter … Read More

Machine Learning Applied to IP Validation, Running on AWS Graviton2

Machine Learning Applied to IP Validation, Running on AWS Graviton2
by Daniel Payne on 11-22-2021 at 10:00 am

Solido Variation Designer on Neoverse N1 CPU min

I recall meeting with Solido at DAC back in 2009, learning about their Variation Designer tool that allowed circuit designers to quickly find out how their designs performed under the effects of process variation, in effect finding the true corners of the process. Under the hood the Solido tool was using Machine Learning (ML) techniques… Read More

An FPGA-Based Solution for a Graph Neural Network (GNN) Accelerator

An FPGA-Based Solution for a Graph Neural Network (GNN) Accelerator
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-03-2021 at 6:00 am

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Earlier this year, Achronix made a product announcement about shipping the industry’s highest performance Speedster7t FPGA devices. The press release included lot of details about the architecture and features of the device and how that family of devices is well suited to satisfy the demands of the artificial intelligence … Read More

Cerebrus, the ML-based Intelligent Chip Explorer from Cadence

Cerebrus, the ML-based Intelligent Chip Explorer from Cadence
by Kalar Rajendiran on 07-29-2021 at 10:00 am

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Electronic design automation (EDA) has come a long way from its beginnings. It has enabled chip engineers from specifying designs directly in layout format during the early days to today’s capture in RTL format. Every advance in EDA has made the task of designing a chip easier and increased the design team productivity, enabling… Read More

Webinar: Real-time In-Chip Monitoring to Boost multi-core AI, ML, DL Systems

Webinar: Real-time In-Chip Monitoring to Boost multi-core AI, ML, DL Systems
by Daniel Payne on 04-28-2020 at 10:00 am

hot spots

During the COVID-19 pandemic I’m using Zoom and attending more webinars to keep updated on semiconductor industry trends, and one huge trend is the importance of AI applied to SoCs. Using more cores to handle ML and DL makes sense, but then how do you keep the chips within their power and reliability limits while at the same … Read More

Webinar – AI/ML SoC Memory and Interconnect IP Perspectives

Webinar – AI/ML SoC Memory and Interconnect IP Perspectives
by Tom Simon on 10-08-2019 at 10:00 am

For decades development work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) was done on traditional CPUs and memory configurations. Now that we are in the “hockey stick” upturn in deployment of AI and ML, the search is on for the most efficient types of processing architectures. The result is a wave of development for… Read More

Mentor Extends AI Footprint

Mentor Extends AI Footprint
by Bernard Murphy on 05-23-2019 at 8:00 am

Mentor are stepping up their game in AI/ML. They already had a well-established start through the Solido acquisition in Variation Designer and the ML Characterization Suite, and through Tessent Yield Insight. They have also made progress in prior releases towards supporting design for ML accelerators using Catapult HLS. Now… Read More