Achronix is Driving the Fourth FPGA Wave

Achronix is Driving the Fourth FPGA Wave
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-09-2020 at 8:00 am

Achronix and the Fourth FPGA Wave

Technology typically evolves in waves. Sometimes it’s referred to as a “revolution” or an “age”. The industrial revolution and the information age are examples. These kinds of categorizations help to clarify the impact of innovation in ways that are relevant to everyone – you can’t look away if the world is changing around you.… Read More

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-02-2020 at 6:00 am

Designing Smarter not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBLFOUNDRIES

On October 20 at the Linley Fall Processor Conference, GLOBALFOUNDRIES made a compelling case for designing smarter, not smaller AI chips. The virtual conference was filled with presentations on the latest architectures and chips for all types of AI/ML applications. It was therefore a refreshing change of pace to hear the fab… Read More

Using ML Acceleration Hardware for Improved DSP Performance

Using ML Acceleration Hardware for Improved DSP Performance
by Tom Simon on 04-24-2020 at 6:00 am

nnMAX Flex Logix Tile

Some amazing hardware is being designed to accelerate AI/ML, most of which features large numbers of MAC units. Given that MAC units are like the lego blocks of digital math, they are also useful for a number of other applications. System designers are waking up to the idea of repurposing AI accelerators for DSP functions such as … Read More

Efficiency – Flex Logix’s Update on InferX™ X1 Edge Inference Co-Processor

Efficiency – Flex Logix’s Update on InferX™ X1 Edge Inference Co-Processor
by Randy Smith on 10-30-2019 at 10:00 am

Last week I attended the Linley Fall Processor Conference held in Santa Clara, CA. This blog is the first of three blogs I will be writing based on things I saw and heard at the event.

In April, Flex Logix announced its InferX X1 edge inference co-processor. At that time, Flex Logix announced that the IP would be available and that a chip,… Read More

Rambus Take on AI in the Era of Connectivity at Linley Processor Conference

Rambus Take on AI in the Era of Connectivity at Linley Processor Conference
by Camille Kokozaki on 04-23-2019 at 12:00 pm

Steven Woo, Fellow and Distinguished Inventor presented at the just concluded Linley Spring Processor Conference a talk about AI in the Era of Connectivity. As he put it, the world is becoming increasingly connected, with a marked surge of digital data, causing a dependence on said data. With the explosion of digital data and AI,… Read More

Processors, Processors, Processors Everywhere

Processors, Processors, Processors Everywhere
by Tom Simon on 10-06-2016 at 7:00 am

At first glance a processor conference might seem a bit arcane, however we live in an era where processors are ubiquitous. There is hardly any aspect of our lives that they do not touch in some way. Last week at the Linley Processor Conference the topics included deep learning, autonomous driving, energy, manufacturing, smart cities,… Read More

Next Book Signing: Linley Processor Conference 2016!

Next Book Signing: Linley Processor Conference 2016!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-20-2016 at 12:00 pm

It is a busy month for book signings but it is a pleasure to do it for the greater good of the semiconductor industry. It really is an honor to meet the people who keep our electronic devices on the leading edge of technology, absolutely.

The Linley Processor Conference is on September 27[SUP]th[/SUP]and 28[SUP]th[/SUP] at the Hyatt… Read More

Altera’s Real Impact with ARM based SOC FPGAs

Altera’s Real Impact with ARM based SOC FPGAs
by Ed McKernan on 10-16-2012 at 8:15 pm

At the annual Linley Processor Conference this past week a number of chip vendors proposed a raft of new networking solutions directed at solving today’s bandwidth issues. Perhaps the overall highlight of the conference was the recognition by Keynote Speaker Linley Gwennap of the shift that is taking place towards ARM based solutions.… Read More