ASICs by definition are designed to meet the respective applications’ requirements. ASIC engineers deploy various design techniques to maximize performance, minimize power and reduce chip size. But is there more that can be done after the GDSII is taped out? A recent press release from Alchip Technology dated Feb 4, 2021 claims… Read More
Tag: high performance computing
High Performance Ecosystem for 14nm-FinFET ASICs with 2.5D Integrated HBM2 Memory
High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) systems have been successfully used for some time now in the network switching and high-performance computing (HPC) spaces. Now, adding fuel to the HBM fire, there is another market that shares similar system requirements as HPC and that is Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially AI systems doing… Read More
IoT Designs Beginning to Shift to 7nm: Promises Upside for Cadence Physically-Aware Design Flow
Until recently, ICs at bleeding edge nodes like 7nm technology from foundries like TSMC were mostly targeted for high-performance-computing (HPC) and mobile applications or possibly high radix switches that needed the increased performance of advanced nodes. The momentum of Moore’s law and Moore-than-Moore saw foundries… Read More
Open Silicon Delivers Silicon-Verified HBM2 IP-Subsystem on TSMC 16nm FF+
Open Silicon hosted a webinar today focusing on their High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) IP-subsystem product offering. Their IP-subsystem is based on the HBM2 standard and includes blocks for the memory controller, PHY and high-speed I/Os, all targeted to TSMC 16nm FF+ process. The IP-subsystem supports the full HBM2 standard with… Read More
Webinar Alert: High Bandwidth Memory ASIC SiPs for HPC and Networking Applications
Calling all ASIC designers working on High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) access architectures in high-performance computing (HPC), networking, deep learning, virtual reality, gaming, cloud computing and data center applications. You won’t want to miss this upcoming webinar focused on system integration aspects of a HBM2 ASIC… Read More