One of the great advantages of emulation is that runtimes are much faster than for simulation – sufficiently fast that you can really debug hardware together with software for comprehensive use-case testing. A not so great aspect is that emulators are expensive and, until relatively recently, not particularly easy to share across… Read More
Tag: emulation
Striving for one code base in accelerated testbenches
Teams buy HDL simulation for best bang for the buck. Teams buy hardware emulation for the speed. We’ve talked previously about SCE-MI transactors as a standardized vehicle to connect the two approaches to get the benefits of both in an accelerated testbench – what else should be accounted for?… Read More
Climbing the Infinite Verification Mountain
Many years ago I read a great little book by Rudy Rucker called “Infinity and the Mind”. This book attempts to explain the many classes of mathematical infinity (cardinals) to non-specialists. As he gets to the more abstract levels of infinity, the author has to resort to an analogy to give a feel for extendible and other cardinal … Read More
The Evolution of Emulation
Mentor hosted a panel on emulation in their booth at DAC this year. One thing I really liked about this panel is that it didn’t include anyone from Mentor. Not that I have anything against Mentor employees, who are a fine bunch of people from those I know, but I find panels most interesting when the discussion is purely among customers.… Read More
From Simulation to Emulation: 3 Steps to a Portable SystemVerilog/UVM Testbench
If your team is building large, complex designs that require millions of clock cycles to fully verify, you need both simulation and emulation.
Using emulation with simulation accelerates performance for dramatically reduced run times.… Read More
Software-Driven Verification Drives Tight Links between Emulation and Prototyping
I’ve mentioned many times what has become a very common theme in SoC and system verification – it has to be driven by the software because any concept of exhaustively verifying “everything” is neither feasible nor meaningful. Emulation has become a critical component of this flow in validating and regressing… Read More
Mentor ARM subscription signals ecosystem shift
Since creating the landmark “all-you-can-eat” license with Samsung in 2002, ARM has inked several subscription deals with chipmakers and EDA firms. The latest ARM subscriber license deal just announced is for Mentor Graphics. What makes their strategy unique?… Read More
Palladium Moves Power (and Temperature) Modeling to the System Level
I had a debate with Steve Carlson of Cadence earlier in the year at the EDPS conference on whether there were really any truly effective solutions for doing power estimation in emulation. I thought there weren’t and he said I was wrong. After attending the Cadence front-end summit last week, I have to admit he has a point.
First, who… Read More
5 Verification Challenges of IoT Solved by Emulation
Software-centric Emulation environment takes the forefront in modern SoC verification. As more and more devices are IoT enabled, the SoCs have to make special provisions to factor many things including communication, power usage, and network switching, and so on. Also, the demand for an SoC (specifically for smartphone which… Read More
Networks, Emulation and the Cloud
To fans of Godel, Escher and Bach (the Eternal Golden Braid), there is an appealing self-referential elegance to the idea of verifying a network switch in a cloud-like resource somewhere on the corporate network. That elegance quickly evaporates however when you consider the practical realities of verifying such device in ICE… Read More