Users of Cadence Virtuoso tools for IC layout and schematics can make their design flow easier by using Design Data Management tools from ClioSoft. Keeping track of versions across schematics, layout, IP libraries and PDKs can be daunting. Come and learn more about this at a Webinar hosted by ClioSoft next Tuesday.… Read More
Tag: cadence
Analog Panel Discussion at DesignCon
DesignCon is coming up and the panel discussions look very interesting this year. The one panel session that I recommend most is called, “Analog and Mixed-Signal Design and Verification” which is moderated by Brian Bailey, one of my former Mentor Graphics buddies and fellow Oregonian.… Read More
EDA Tool Flow at MoSys Plus Design Data Management
I’ve read about MoSys over the years and had the chance this week to interview Nani Subraminian, Engineering Manager about the types of EDA tools that they use and how design data management has been deployed to keep the design process organized. My background includes both DRAM and SRAM design, so I’ve been curious… Read More
What is a Hierarchical SPICE Circuit Simulator?
Hierarchy is used in IC designs at many abstraction levels to help describe a design in a compact format:
- Mask Data
- IC Layout
- Schematic Netlists
- Gate level netlists
- RTL netlists
But the question and focus for this blog is, “What is a hierarchical SPICE Circuit Simulator?”… Read More
Memory Controller IP, battle field where Cadence and Synopsys are really fighting face to face. Today let’s have a look at Cadence’s strategy.
I have shared with you last year some strategic information released by Cadence in April about their IP strategy, more specifically about the launch of the DDR4 Controller IP. And try to understand Cadence strategy about Interface IP in general (USB, PCIe, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI…) and how Cadence is positioned in respect with their… Read More
Imera Virtual Fabric
Virtual fabric sounds like something that would be good for making the emperor’s new clothes. I talked today to Les Spruiell of Imera to find out what it really is.
Anyone who has worked as either a designer or as an EDA engineer has had the problem of a customer who has a problem but can’t send you the design since it is (a)… Read More
What Will 2012 Bring The Semiconductor Ecosystem?
During my annual holiday meal with one of my favorite EDA icons some rather bold predictions were made. On his side it was more of what he would LIKE to see happen, on my side it was more of what will HAVE to happen for the semiconductor ecosystem to thrive in the coming years.
Mike Gianfagna (Viva Italia!) spent 15+ years with RCA/GE Semiconductor… Read More
Multi-Mode Simulation – What’s New at Cadence?
Every week I receive several webinar invitations, so the recent one from Cadence about Virtuoso Multi-Mode simulation caught my fancy because I had met with John Pierce at DAC and wanted to see what was new since then and see how they compared with Mentor and Synopsys tools.
John Pierce, Product Marketing Director
This webinar runs… Read More
A tribute to Research on Interface IP Market
Denali acquisition by Cadence in May 2010, ChipIdea, Virage Logic, and nSys acquisitions by Synopsys in 2009, 2010 and 2011 (resp.) shows that IP market is consolidating… but new IP vendors are still emerging! So we need to know on which product the Interface IP market leader will tend to a dominant position, which new products… Read More
ARM TechCon 2011 Trip Report and Sailing Semiconductors!
This was my first ARM TechCon, they cordially invited me as media, but it certainly was not what I expected. Making matters worse, I had literally just flown in from a very long weekend sailing in Mexico which was much more interesting and certainly made me much less tolerant of sales and marketing nonsense. My Uncle Jim lives on a sailboat… Read More