Five Key Workflows For 3D IC Packaging Success

Five Key Workflows For 3D IC Packaging Success
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-31-2022 at 6:00 am

3D IC design workflows

An earlier blog started with the topic of delivering 3D IC innovations faster. The blog covered the following foundational enablers for successful heterogeneous 3D IC implementation.

  • System Co-Optimization (STCO) approach
  • Transition from design-based to systems-based optimization
  • Expanding the supply chain and tool
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Delivering 3D IC Innovations Faster

Delivering 3D IC Innovations Faster
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-16-2022 at 6:00 am

System Technology Co Optimization STCO

3D IC technology development started many years ago well before the slowing down of Moore’s law benefits became a topic of discussion. The technology was originally leveraged for stacking functional blocks with high-bandwidth buses between them. Memory manufacturers and other IDMs were the ones to typically leverage this … Read More

The Lines Are Blurring Between System and Silicon. You’re Not Ready.

The Lines Are Blurring Between System and Silicon. You’re Not Ready.
by Daniel Nenni on 07-01-2022 at 8:00 am

3D Memory HBM Ansys

3D-ICs bring together multiple silicon dies into a single package that’s significantly larger and complex than traditional systems on a chip (SoCs). There’s no doubt these innovative designs are revolutionizing the semiconductor industry.

3D-ICs offer a variety of performance advantages over traditional SoCs. Because … Read More

Multiphysics, Multivariate Analysis: An Imperative for Today’s 3D-IC Designs

Multiphysics, Multivariate Analysis: An Imperative for Today’s 3D-IC Designs
by Daniel Nenni on 06-26-2022 at 6:00 am

Ansys Heat Map

Semiconductor manufacturers are under constantly increasing and intense pressure to accelerate innovative new chip designs to market faster than ever in smaller package sizes while assuring signal integrity and reducing power consumption. Three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICs) promise to answer all these demands… Read More

Three Key Takeaways from the 2022 TSMC Technical Symposium!

Three Key Takeaways from the 2022 TSMC Technical Symposium!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-16-2022 at 12:10 pm

TSMC Technology Roadmap 2022

The TSMC Technical Symposium is today so I wanted to give you a brief summary of what was presented. Tom Dillinger will do a more technical review as he has done in the past. I don’t want to steal his thunder but here is what I think are the key takeaways. First a brief history lesson.

The history of TSMC Technology Development with 12 keyRead More

A Different Perspective: Ansys’ View on the Central Issues Driving EDA Today

A Different Perspective: Ansys’ View on the Central Issues Driving EDA Today
by John Lee on 06-14-2022 at 6:00 am

RedHawk SC uses Ansys SeaScape Big Data Platform Designed for EDA Applications

For the past few decades, System-on-Chip (SoC) has been the gold standard for optimizing the performance and cost of electronic systems. Pulling together practically all of a smartphone’s digital and analog capabilities into a monolithic chip, the mobile application processor serves as a near-perfect example of an SoC. But… Read More

3D IC Update from User2User

3D IC Update from User2User
by Daniel Payne on 05-24-2022 at 10:00 am

FO WLP min

Our smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktops are the most common consumer products with advanced 2.5D and 3D IC packaging techniques. I love seeing the product tear down articles to learn how advanced packaging techniques are being used, so at the User2User conference in Santa Clara I attended a presentation from Tarek Ramadan,… Read More

Bespoke Silicon is Coming, Absolutely!

Bespoke Silicon is Coming, Absolutely!
by Daniel Nenni on 04-18-2022 at 6:00 am

IMG 9977

It was nice to be at a live conference again. DesignCon was held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, my favorite location, which to me there was a back to normal crowd. The sessions I attended were full and the show floor was busy. Masks and vaccinations were not required, maybe that was it. Or there was a pent-up demand to get back engaged… Read More

More Than Moore and Charting the Path Beyond 3nm

More Than Moore and Charting the Path Beyond 3nm
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-22-2021 at 10:00 am

Cadence AIML Technologies

The incredible growth that the semiconductor industry has enjoyed over the last several decades is attributed to Moore’s Law. While no one argues that point, there is also industry wide acknowledgment that Moore’s Law started slowing down around the 7nm process node. While die-size reductions still scale, performance jumps… Read More

Ansys CEO Ajei Gopal’s Keynote on 3D-IC at Samsung SAFE Forum

Ansys CEO Ajei Gopal’s Keynote on 3D-IC at Samsung SAFE Forum
by Tom Simon on 12-09-2021 at 10:00 am

Ajei Gopal talks about 3D IC

System on chip (SoC) based design has long been recognized as a powerful method to offer product differentiation through higher performance and expanded functionality. Yet, it comes with a number of limitations, such as high cost of development.  Also, SoCs are monolithic, which can inhibit rapid adaptation in the face of changing… Read More