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SiC SemiWiki 800x100 July2024Deadline Static
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Webinar: Silicon Catalyst & EE Times Examine the Bigger Picture Aspects of AI – Nov. 29, 2023 – 9am to 10am Pacific

Webinar: Silicon Catalyst & EE Times Examine the Bigger Picture Aspects of AI – Nov. 29, 2023 – 9am to 10am Pacific
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-20-2023 at 2:00 pm

Webinar Silicon Catalyst & EE Times Examine the Bigger Picture Aspects of AI – Nov. 29, 2023 – 9am to 10am Pacific

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is dominating the news cycle these days. It used to be about the latest (and largest) chips to accelerate AI algorithms. While that’s still relevant and exciting, AI news is taking a much broader, socioeconomic character. What does AI mean for job security, the economy, or even life on Earth? These aren’t hyperbolic comments. Just browse some recent headlines – OpenAI shakeup has rocked Silicon Valley, leaving some techies concerned about the future of AI, Biden signs executive order to promote ‘responsible innovation’ of AI,  Global Leaders Warn A.I. Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Harm. AI has become an important topic on the world stage. Recently, Silicon Catalyst assembled a group of technology executives to discuss what our “AI Wonderland” will look like. As an important follow-on to the 6th Annual Semiconductor Industry Forum, up next is a webinar hosted by Silicon Catalyst and EE Times to take a broader look at AI and its impact. Read on to understand how Silicon Catalyst & EE Times examine the bigger picture aspects of AI, beyond the technology innovation cycle.

Previous Live Event Recap







Silicon Catalyst hosted a well-attended live event at the SRI Conference Center in Menlo Park, CA on Thursday, November 9, 2023. Questions discussed at the event included:

  • What are the AI technologies that will create new business models and industries?
  • What are the implications to semiconductor industry success for incumbents & startups?
  • How do we address the power-hungry AI hyper-scalers’ impact on our energy resources?
  • What impact will potential government and industry regulations have on innovation?

You can read the pre-event coverage on SemiWiki here.  There is also an event replay link on the Silicon Catalyst website, The event was well attended and widely covered. The prestigious IEEE Spectrum covered the event . Part of that coverage included some memorable quotes from the panelists. Some of those deserve repeating here:

  • “If you don’t think of [AI] as a paradigm break or something that can put you out of business, you’re in trouble.” —Deirdre Hanford, Chief Security Officer, Synopsys
  • “AI can take analog libraries and move them from generation to generation [of technology] automatically; this used to be incredibly time consuming, error prone, and difficult.” – Moshe Gavrielov, former Xilinx CEO and now a member of both TSMC‘s and NXP’s board of directors
  • “We are entering an era of (AI-assisted) electronic design creation.” – Ivo Bolsens, Senior VP, AMD

The panelists also exhibited a sense of humor regarding the Alice in Wonderland theme for the event, as shown below.


[left to right] Richard Curtin, David French, Pete Rodriguez, Moshe Gavriolev, Deirdre Hanford, and Ivo Bolsens.

What’s Coming Next

Continuing the theme of the coming AI Wonderland, Silicon Catalyst is teaming up with EE Times for a live broadcast webinar on November 29, 2023 from 9:00 – 10:00 AM Pacific time. The webinar will be moderated by Nitin Dahad, EE Times Correspondent and will expand the conversation on AI to include topics such as:

  • Social Impact
  • Regulatory oversight
  • Investment strategies

The panelists for this webinar are high-profile individuals that span many areas touched by AI. They are:

Jama Adams, COO of Responsible Innovation Labs, www.rilabs.org  

Jama Adams
Jama Adams

Jama Adams is COO of a coalition of leading startup founders and investors creating the next generation of high growth technology companies with responsible innovation at their core. Jama was the first hire on Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett’s Giving Pledge and took the pledge from zero to $1 trillion in three years, growing the ranks to nearly 100 billionaires (today it stands at $3 trillion from 236 signers). She raised $1.8 billion in Series B funding in 12 weeks for Commonwealth Fusion Systems. In other roles – as founder of a consulting firms, on the Omidyar impact investing team, as Communications Director for the City of New York, on political campaigns, on Capitol Hill, and at Harvard Kennedy School, Jama has brought together elite influencers, frontline organizers, business executives, and created new organizations and industries to make change.

Navin Chaddha, Managing Partner, Mayfield, www.mayfield.com  

Navin Chaddha
Navin Chaddha

Under Navin’s leadership, Mayfield has raised eight U.S. funds and guided over 80 companies to positive outcomes. He has been named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and has ranked on the Forbes Midas List of Top 100 Tech Investors fifteen times, including being named in the Top Five in 2020, 2022 and 2023. Navin’s investments have created over $120 billion in equity value and over 40,000 jobs. During his venture capital career, Navin has invested in over 60 companies, of which 18 have gone public and 27 have been acquired. Navin holds an MS degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University and a B.Tech degree in electrical engineering from IIT Delhi, where he was honored with the distinguished IIT Alumni Award. Navin is an active philanthropist who supports education, diversity, equity, inclusion, and food scarcity groups.

Rohit Israni, Chair AI Standards, US (INCITS/ANSI), www.incits.org

Rohit Israni
Rohit Israni

Rohit is the founder and CEO of CertientAI. He is also the Chair AI Standards for the US national body responsible for developing US positions and contributions to international AI standards being developed by ISO/IEC (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42). He is also the liaison for SC 42 with Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Prior to founding CertientAI, he led Intel’s global scale ecosystem enabling programs in the Developer Relations Division for AI, Datacenter and Network, of which he co-founded the AI partnership program (Intel AI Builders). Rohit earned a master’s degree in engineering with a specialization in Robotics and AI from Tulane University. He also holds a master’s degree in management science & engineering from Stanford University where he was a part of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.

To Learn More

This is an impressive group of panelists and a must-see event. Registration information can be found at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/navigating-the-ai-wonderland-tickets-760825638967?aff=oddtdtcreator.  And that’s how Silicon Catalyst & EE Times examine the bigger picture aspects of AI on technology innovation and ultimately, on our lives.

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