What is Different About Synopsys’ Comprehensive, Scalable Solution for Fast Heterogeneous Integration

What is Different About Synopsys’ Comprehensive, Scalable Solution for Fast Heterogeneous Integration
by Mike Gianfagna on 02-03-2025 at 10:00 am

What is Different About Synopsys’ Comprehensive, Scalable Solution for Fast Heterogeneous Integration

Multi-die design has become the center of a lot of conversation lately. The ability to integrate multiple heterogeneous devices into a single package has changed the semiconductor landscape, permanently. This technology has opened a path for continued Moore’s Law scaling at the system level. What comes next will truly be exciting.… Read More

Webinar: Achieve Full Flow and Resource Management Visibility to Optimize Cost and Sustainability with Innova

Webinar: Achieve Full Flow and Resource Management Visibility to Optimize Cost and Sustainability with Innova
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-27-2025 at 6:00 am

Webinar Achieve Full Flow and Resource Management Visibility to Optimize Cost and Sustainability with Innova

The lifecycle for complex chip design includes many factors. Traditional systems focus on design tasks, associated schedules and manufacturing logistics. While these are important aspects of the project there is a lot more that can be measured, predicted and tracked. Taking a more holistic view of the project opens new opportunities… Read More

Synopsys Brings Embedded Memory to the Future with its Flexible, IP-Based Compilers

Synopsys Brings Embedded Memory to the Future with its Flexible, IP-Based Compilers
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-20-2025 at 6:00 am

Synopsys Brings Embedded Memory to the Future with its Flexible, IP Based Compilers

There is a revolution happening that is fueled by innovation in areas such as AI, IoT and autonomous driving. These new systems put incredible stress on next-generation semiconductor technology. Faster processing, higher density and lower latency must all be delivered with reduced power and thermal profiles. One technology… Read More

Intel Presents the Final Frontier of Transistor Architecture at IEDM

Intel Presents the Final Frontier of Transistor Architecture at IEDM
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-23-2024 at 6:00 am

Intel Presents the Final Frontier of Transistor Architecture at IEDM

IEDM was buzzing with many presentations about the newest gate-all-around transistor. Both Intel and TSMC announced processes based on nanosheet technology. This significant process innovation allows the fabrication of silicon RibbonFET CMOS devices, which promise to open a new era of transistor scaling, keeping Moore’s… Read More

TSMC Unveils the World’s Most Advanced Logic Technology at IEDM

TSMC Unveils the World’s Most Advanced Logic Technology at IEDM
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-19-2024 at 10:00 am

TSMC Unveils the World’s Most Advanced Logic Technology at IEDM

There was a lot of discussion at IEDM about the coming shift to gate-all-around (GAA) transistor structures. This new device brings many benefits to continue device scaling, both at the monolithic device level as well as for multi-die design. The path to GAA is not simple, there are new material, process and design considerations… Read More

An Invited Talk at IEDM: Intel’s Mr. Transistor Presents The Incredible Shrinking Transistor – Shattering Perceived Barriers and Forging Ahead

An Invited Talk at IEDM: Intel’s Mr. Transistor Presents The Incredible Shrinking Transistor – Shattering Perceived Barriers and Forging Ahead
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-16-2024 at 10:00 am

An Invited Talk at IDEM Intel’s Mr. Transistor Presents The Incredible Shrinking Transistor – Shattering Perceived Barriers and Forging Ahead

IEDM turned 70 last week. This was cause for much celebration in the form of special events. One such event was a special invited paper on Tuesday afternoon from Intel’s Tahir Ghani, or Mr. Transistor as he is known. Tahir has been driving innovation at Intel for a very long time. He is an eyewitness to the incredible impact of the Moore’s… Read More

IEDM Opens with a Big Picture Keynote from TSMC’s Yuh-Jier Mii

IEDM Opens with a Big Picture Keynote from TSMC’s Yuh-Jier Mii
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-12-2024 at 10:00 am

IEDM Opens with a Big Picture Keynote from TSMC’s Yuh Jier Mii

The main program for the 70th IEDM opened on Monday morning in San Francisco with an excellent keynote from Dr. Yuh-Jier Mii, Executive Vice President and Co-Chief Operating Officer at TSMC. Dr. Mii joined TSMC in 1994. Since then, he has contributed to the development and manufacturing of advanced CMOS technologies in both fab

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Synopsys Brings Multi-Die Integration Closer with its 3DIO IP Solution and 3DIC Tools

Synopsys Brings Multi-Die Integration Closer with its 3DIO IP Solution and 3DIC Tools
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-10-2024 at 6:00 am

Synopsys Brings Multi Die Integration Closer with its 3DIO IP Solution and 3DIC Tools

There is ample evidence that technologies such as high-performance computing, next-generation servers, and AI accelerators are fueling unprecedented demands in data processing speed with massive data storage, lower latency, and lower power. Heterogeneous system integration, more commonly called 2.5 and 3D IC design, … Read More

A Master Class with Ansys and Synopsys, The Latest Advances in Multi-Die Design

A Master Class with Ansys and Synopsys, The Latest Advances in Multi-Die Design
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-04-2024 at 6:00 am

A Master Class with Ansys and Synopsys, The Latest Advances in Multi Die Design

2.5D and 3D multi-die design is rapidly moving into the mainstream for many applications. HPC, GPU, mobile, and AI/ML are application areas that have seen real benefits. The concept of “mix/match” for chips and chiplets to form a complex system sounds deceptively simple. In fact, the implementation and analysis techniques required… Read More

How Breker is Helping to Solve the RISC-V Certification Problem

How Breker is Helping to Solve the RISC-V Certification Problem
by Mike Gianfagna on 12-02-2024 at 10:00 am

How Breker is Helping to Solve the RISC V Certification Problem

RISC-V cores are popping up everywhere. The growth of this open instruction set architecture (ISA) was quite evident at the recent RISC-V summit. You can check out some of the RISC-V buzz on SemiWiki here. While all this is quite exciting and encouraging, there are hurdles to face before true prime-time, ubiquitous application… Read More