Okay, this is more of a, “What I would do if I was TSMC” than a critique, but I needed a one word descriptor for the title. This was the third TSMC OIP Conference and I would guess about 250 people attended. This was the first time I have seen TSMC in “reactive” mode versus “proactive” leadership mode, so I was a bit disappointed. TSMC is … Read More

Critical Area Analysis and Memory Redundancy
Simon Favre, one of our Calibre Technical Marketing Engineers, presented a paper on Critical Area Analysis and Memory Redundancy at the 2010 IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop in Hopewell Junction, NY, just up the road from Fishkill. As Simon says…
Fishkill, New York. IBM is in Fishkill. IBM invented Critical Area Analysis in what,… Read More
Semiconductor Forecast 2010-2011 Update!
It’s that time of the quarter again, where the semiconductor analysts revise forecasts, passing off glorified guesstimates as valid financial planning data. They aren’t forecasts! They are observations! I blame these hacks for the 12.5% Silicon Valley unemployment rate! I blame these hacks for the dwindling available capitol… Read More
TSMC GigaFab Tour!
During my most recent Taiwan trip I was not only afforded a meeting with Dr Mark Liu, Sr VP of TSMC, a guided tour of GigaFab #12 was also included. Even more impressive, I’m now considered “Elite” by Eva Airlines so I automatically get the good seats, better food, and VIP service. My wife, however, is not impressed with my Elite status… Read More
Semiconductor Realization!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Albert Einstein). Given that statement, according to John Bruggeman (Cadence CMO and EDA360 Chief Anarchist) the semiconductor industry is INSANE!
This year the EDA Tech Forum and the Global Semiconductor Alliance Expo were not only on the … Read More
GlobalFoundries Exposed, Part II!
EDA CEO panels are usually rather dull but this one definitely held my interest. It was standing room only and I was surrounded by familiar faces from not only EDA and IP company executives, but also representatives from the top semiconductor companies around the world! The theme of course was collaboration, promoting the GFI “IDM-Like”… Read More
GlobalFoundries Exposed!
The GlobalFoundries Technical Conference last week was one of the best I’ve seen. The theme of the conference was “GlobalFoundries is bringing the collaborative IDM semiconductor design and manufacturing culture to the merchant foundry business!”
“We ramped volume production at the 45/40nm node well ahead of all foundries… Read More
Cloud Computing = Darknet! BEWARE!
Cloud computing will be the tragic end to the digital world as we once knew it. As we become more and more dependent on mobile internet devices we become less and less independent in life itself. Consider how much of your critical personal and professional information (digital capital) is stored via the internet and none of it is safe.… Read More
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (NYSE: TSM)
After working with TSMC the past 10+ years the single most compelling question I have is why the stock (NYSE: TSM) is not at record highs. TSMC invented and continues to dominate the foundry business which is clearly the future of modern semiconductor design and manufacture. So why is this not a $20+ stock?!?!?
TSMC reports 36%+ net… Read More
The New Semiconductor Economy
Bill Wiseman of McKinsey & Company presented “Waking up to the new normal, the world economy after the great recession” at a recent ITAC GSA Conference. Bill supports my previous semiconductor financial predictions in great and graphical detail.
In the United States: unemployment claims are up, home sales are down without… Read More
Unlocking the cloud: A new era for post-tapeout flow for semiconductor manufacturing