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Apple’s 4G Field of Dreams Build Out

Apple’s 4G Field of Dreams Build Out
by Ed McKernan on 03-30-2012 at 9:00 am

As Apple begins to flood the market with a full line of mobile devices sporting 4G LTE communications capability, starting with the iPAD and soon to follow with Ivy Bridge based MAC Book Pros and then in the Fall with iPhone 5s, one has to ask will the carriers be able to keep pace in order for customers to have a satisfied user experience.… Read More

Synopsys Users Group Silicon Valley 2012 Keynote: ARM

Synopsys Users Group Silicon Valley 2012 Keynote: ARM
by Daniel Nenni on 03-28-2012 at 12:49 pm

Keynote #2 at SNUG 2012 was John Cornish, VP Marketing at ARM. Why they sent a marketing person to speak in front of 2,000+ engineers I do not know. To top that, next time they should send a sales person and do a real dog and pony show. To find out more about John I checked his LinkedIn profile which was bare. So enough about John, lets hit … Read More

Synopsys Users Group Silicon Valley 2012 Keynote: Aart de Geus

Synopsys Users Group Silicon Valley 2012 Keynote: Aart de Geus
by Daniel Nenni on 03-27-2012 at 1:26 pm

SNUG Chairman John Busco opened the session with a few words about Aart de Geus, the silver anniversary of Synopsys, and some SNUG statistics. A whopping 2,500 people registered this year! Probably due to the Magma acquisition which is prominently displayed on “Welcome Magma Users” signs and on the flat screens which are everywhere.… Read More

Synopsys Validates EDA360?

Synopsys Validates EDA360?
by Daniel Nenni on 03-26-2012 at 4:26 pm

Before I get too snarky here, I would like to thank Synopsys for the invitation to SNUG 2012 and including me with the professional editors at a 75 minute roundtable discussion with Synopsys CEO Aart de Geus. While Aart is not my favorite big EDA CEO (Wally Rhines of Mentor bought me lunch and returns my email), he is definitely the most… Read More

Synopsys: now in 3D

Synopsys: now in 3D
by Paul McLellan on 03-26-2012 at 8:00 am

And no red and green glasses required.

I remember the first time I heard about a Through Silicon Via (TSV), punching a hole through the entire wafer to make an electrical connection at the back, like we do all the time in printed circuit boards with through plated holes. I thought someone was trying one on and trying to make me look a fool.… Read More

Singapore honors Lip-Bu Tan

Singapore honors Lip-Bu Tan
by Paul McLellan on 03-25-2012 at 11:08 pm

Lip-Bu Tan, the CEO of Cadence, has been named by the Singapore Business Awards as Outstanding CEO (overseas) last week. These awards were launched in 1985 by the Business Times and DHL, so this year is the 27th year of the award, created to recognize business leaders in Singapore and abroad.

As it happens, Cadence flew me first class… Read More

NVIDIA Claims TSMC 20nm will not Scale?

NVIDIA Claims TSMC 20nm will not Scale?
by Daniel Nenni on 03-25-2012 at 6:00 pm

Interesting article from Joel Hruska on ExtremeTech: Nvidia deeply unhappy with TSMC, claims 22nm essentially worthless . The title is a bit dramatic (poetic license) but the charts are accurate to the degree that 20nm costs will be significantly higher from the start and will continue to be higher throughout production and maturity.… Read More

SOC Prototyping with FPGAs from a Smaller Vendor

SOC Prototyping with FPGAs from a Smaller Vendor
by Daniel Payne on 03-23-2012 at 10:43 am

The two large EDA companies offering SOC prototyping with FPGA-based boards are Synopsys and Cadence, however there’s a smaller vendor called Polaris Design Systems that also have a product in this important design verification category. I spoke on Wednesday with Rahm Shastry, CEO of Polaris to learn more about this company… Read More