Real FPGAs don’t eat fake test vectors

Real FPGAs don’t eat fake test vectors
by Don Dingee on 06-26-2014 at 8:00 am

Vector blasting hardware is as old as digital test methodology itself. In the days of relatively simple combinational and finite state machine logic, a set of vectors aimed broadside at inputs could shake loose most faults with observable outputs. With FPGAs, creating an effective set of artificial test vectors has become a lot… Read More

Aldec Can Ensure Smooth System Integration

Aldec Can Ensure Smooth System Integration
by Luke Miller on 06-17-2014 at 9:00 pm

Tools, tools, tools. Designs are rapidly changing, JESD204b, Hybrid Memory cube and all other Gigabit serialization schemes are here to stay. RIP DDR. This means board level simulations with respect to firmware (FPGA) are going to be more challenging than ever. Why? you ask, especially if the board layout is simpler? True, but… Read More

Aldec is Celebrating 30 Years @ #51DAC!

Aldec is Celebrating 30 Years @ #51DAC!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-02-2014 at 8:00 am

Dr. Stanley Hyduke founded Aldec in 1984 and their first product was delivered in 1985, named SUSIE (Standard Universal Simulator for Improved Engineering), a gate-level, DOS-based simulator. The SUSIE simulator was priced lower than other EDA vendor tools from the big three: Daisy, Mentor and Valid (aka DMV). Today, Aldec … Read More

Living with DO-254? You need Aldec!

Living with DO-254? You need Aldec!
by Luke Miller on 04-30-2014 at 4:00 pm

I will say that as popular as DO-254 and the like is, I am not the fella for that. It can take the simplest of designs into a realm of test and verification like you have never seen before. Yes, when I am flying I happen to be a big fan of this rigorous testing but you will not find me doing that job anytime soon. While the topic is very dry, it … Read More

You didn’t say it has to work

You didn’t say it has to work
by Don Dingee on 04-22-2014 at 8:00 pm

“Failure to plan is planning to fail.” If that is true – and it has been quoted verbatim or slightly modified so many times throughout modern history, there has to be some truth – why does most of the engineering community seem to detest planning so much?

Engineering planning doesn’t mean whipping out a block diagram or pseudo code,… Read More

Aldec the leader in DO254

Aldec the leader in DO254
by Luke Miller on 03-19-2014 at 12:00 pm

I am convinced after studying out the matter, that Aldec is one of the leaders in DO254 certification. As you listen and read the news as I do about flight MA-370, you keep theorizing and wondering. This is a good time to introduce the reader to the seriousness of flight worthy electronics and the arduous process to achieve certification.Read More

If requirements ask for it, it had better be there

If requirements ask for it, it had better be there
by Don Dingee on 01-29-2014 at 8:00 pm

Engineers are known for their attention to detail and precision in thinking, but sometimes still struggle during compliance audits. This is especially true the longer a list of requirements becomes, especially unstructured lists kept in spreadsheets and on Post-It notes.

It gets even more complicated, because in defense circles… Read More

Social Media at Aldec

Social Media at Aldec
by Daniel Payne on 01-09-2014 at 5:38 pm

I’ve been blogging about EDA and Semiconductor companies using social media to create new ways to talk and listen to engineers, so today I looked at Aldec and how they are using social media. Aldec offers EDA products for: FPGA Simulation, functional verification, emulation, and MIL/Aero verification. Their Home page … Read More

Let’s Drive To Dearborn on 19th Sep….

Let’s Drive To Dearborn on 19th Sep….
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-15-2013 at 11:00 am

[The VLC developed by Edison2, winner of the Progressive Automotive X-Prize]

Now that we have “The Very Light Car” of the world at more than 100 MPG!! Yes, this is the car developed by Edison2, one among the three winners of the Progressive Insurance Automotive X-Prize, a global competition; Edison2 won in the main stream class. … Read More

Aldec Verifies Compatibility of Northwest Logic’s PCI Express Cores with HES-7™ SoC/ASIC Prototyping Platform

Aldec Verifies Compatibility of Northwest Logic’s PCI Express Cores with HES-7™ SoC/ASIC Prototyping Platform
by Daniel Nenni on 07-12-2013 at 12:50 am

Henderson, Nevada – July 11, 2013 –Aldec, Inc., a pioneer in mixed HDL language simulation and hardware-assisted verification solutions, today announced that engineers incorporating high-speed PCI Express data transmission into their SoC and ASIC designs can accelerate their time-to-market utilizing Northwest LogicRead More