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Does Processor IP still get the Lion’s share in 2013?

Does Processor IP still get the Lion’s share in 2013?
by Eric Esteve on 04-17-2014 at 1:00 pm

I think that the answer is pretty obvious, but the interesting point is to figure out which processor type, and which part of revenues, up-front license or royalties? One of my customers, let’s call him Mr. X, ask me to clarify this point. Mr. X has bought the excellent report from Gartner “Market Share: Semiconductor Design Intellectual… Read More


by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2014 at 6:27 pm

At the GSA Silicon Summit this afternoon there was a discussion of 3D IC and 2.5D IC. The session was moderated by Javier DeLaCruz of eSilicon and the panelists were:

  • Calvin Cheung of ASE (an OSAT)
  • Gil Lvey of OptimalTest (a test house)
  • Bob Patti of Tezzaron (semiconductor company specializing in TSV-based designs)
  • Riko Radojcic
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Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing

Advancements in Nanoscale Manufacturing
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2014 at 1:40 pm

I’m at the GSA Silicon Summit today, at the computer history museum. The first panel session this morning was about future process technology. It was moderated by Joe Sawicki of Mentor with a panel consisting of Rob Aitken from ARM, Paul Farrar of G450C, Peter Huang of TSMC, John Kibarian of PDF Solutions and someone from Applied… Read More

FD-SOI, FinFET, 3D in Monterey

FD-SOI, FinFET, 3D in Monterey
by Paul McLellan on 04-09-2014 at 5:40 pm

Last night the IEEE Silicon Valley Chapter had a panel session that was in some ways a preview of some of what will be discussed at the Electronic Design Process Symposium in Monterey next Thursday and Friday. At EDPS Herb Reiter organized a session on FinFET, 3DIC and FD-SOI (sort of how many buzzwords can you get into one set of titles).… Read More

Sonics Performance Monitor and Hardware Trace

Sonics Performance Monitor and Hardware Trace
by Paul McLellan on 04-07-2014 at 7:29 pm

As SoCs have got more complex, and with a larger and larger software content, it is no longer good enough to just monitor how the design behaves using simulation and then completely forget about it once the design is complete. What is required is the capability to monitor the design in real time (in silicon or FPGA) to see how it is behaving.… Read More

A New Digital Place and Route System

A New Digital Place and Route System
by Daniel Payne on 04-07-2014 at 10:00 am

IC place and route tools can be very high-priced EDA software to purchase or lease, so there’s some good news for AMS designers that need an affordable digital place and route tool for their mostly analog designs. Today the team at Tanner EDAannounced a totally new place and route system has been added to their Schematic DrivenRead More

SerDes: Four Wires Are Better Than Two

SerDes: Four Wires Are Better Than Two
by Daniel Nenni on 04-06-2014 at 8:00 pm

Kandou Bus SA has recently been proposing the technique ENRZ (Ensemble Non Return to Zero) for use as the next generation interconnect standard for the 56 Gb/s generation of interconnect interfaces at the OIF (Optical Interconnect Forum). ENRZ is technique where three bits are orthogonally modulated over four correlated wires.… Read More

SEMulator3D 2014 – New Enhancements for Virtual Fabrication in the 3D IC Era

SEMulator3D 2014 – New Enhancements for Virtual Fabrication in the 3D IC Era
by Pawan Fangaria on 04-05-2014 at 7:30 am

A Virtual Platform for any kind of design or manufacturing in any discipline of science or engineering (electrical, mechanical, aeronautics etc.) must be able to provide an accurate representation of an actual design/product in a fraction of time and cost it takes to build working prototypes. In the case of semiconductors at … Read More

Semiconductor IP Validation Gets Faster

Semiconductor IP Validation Gets Faster
by Daniel Payne on 04-03-2014 at 11:32 am

Semiconductor IP continues to grow in use for SoC design, and many chips can now use hundreds of IP blocks from multiple vendors. Validating the quality of the IP blocks is an important step in the design process, and you could perform manual validation and inspection of each new IP block at the expense of time and engineering effort.… Read More

Care and trimming of MEMS sensors

Care and trimming of MEMS sensors
by Don Dingee on 03-28-2014 at 2:00 pm

My first job in electronic design circa 1981 was making analog autopilots and control devices for RPVs – the early form of what today we call UAVs. A couple of really delicate boxes with gyroscopes, accelerometers, and magnetometers, and several boards full of LM148 quad op-amps surrounded by a lot of resistors and capacitors made… Read More