I’ve written before about how the automotive industry adheres to functional safety (FS) as defined in the ISO 26262 standard, along with other SemiWiki bloggers. That standard certainly defines the What part of FS, however it doesn’t mandate how you meet the standard, what tools you should be using, file formats … Read More
An Accellera Update. COVID Accelerates Progress
Normally I would post this Accellera update during DVCon US but, no surprise, this year is weird. Particularly in conferences going virtual. The last DVCon was in early March of this year, right on the cusp of the shutdown. I was there in person, as was Lu Dai (Chairman of Accellera). Both Synopsys and Cadence had dropped out, citing… Read More
DVCon 2020 Virtual Follow-Up Conference!
As most of you know DVCon 2020 was our first conference to be cut short by the Pandemic. SemiWiki bloggers Bernard Murphy, Mike Gianfagna, and I were there with full schedules but at the last minute it was called off. It really was an eerie feeling, the emptiness of it all.
The rest of our EDA live events followed suit and went virtual … Read More
Accellera Tackles Functional Safety, Mixed-Signal
I managed a few meetings at DVCon this year in spite of the Coronavirus problems. One of these was with Lu Dai Chairman of Accellera. I generally meet with Lu each year to get an update on where they are headed, and he had some interesting new topics to share.
Membership and headcount remain pretty stable. Any changes (at the associate… Read More
Functional Safety Comes to EDA and IP
Every week I read headlines about the progress of autonomous vehicles, and the inevitable questions began to arise, like, “Just how safe is this AV?”, or “Is this new ADAS feature trustworthy?” The automotive industry has already setup the ISO 26262 functional safety standard, and we’ve blogged… Read More
Accellera IP Security Standard: A Start
I mentioned some time ago (a DVCon or two ago) that Accellera had started working on a standard to quantify IP security. At the time I talked about some of the challenges in the task but nevertheless applauded the effort. You’ve got to start somewhere and some way to quantify this is better than none, as long as it doesn’t deliver misleading… Read More
Semiconductor IP Security Issues
Every morning I read the headlines from SemiWiki, CNN, LinkedIn and my Twitter feed, and it seems like every week that I read about another security breach that makes me wonder if anything online is secure. Companies try to harden their web sites, IT infrastructure and even their electronic products from being exploited or tampered… Read More
Accellera Tackles IP Security
I recently learned that Accellera has formed an IP security working group. My first reaction was “Great, we really need that!”. My second reaction was “But I have so many questions.” Security in the systems world is still very much a topic in its infancy. I don’t mean to imply that there isn’t good work being done in both software and… Read More
Lu Dai: Incoming Accellera Chair
One of the fun things about what I do is getting to meet some of the movers and shakers in the industry. You might not think of Accellera as a spot to find movers and shakers, but when you consider the impact they have had on what we do (OVL, SystemVerilog, UVM, UPF, SystemC, IP-XACT and others), design today would be unrecognizable without… Read More
Accellera and Portable Stimulus
I’ll start with a quick note on DVCon. This seems to be gaining momentum each year. In addition to the events in the US, Europe and India, a DVCon event is now planned for China, kicking off in Shanghai in 2017. At a time when we’re all bemoaning the future of EDA and EDA conferences, DVCon is booming internationally, no doubt reflecting… Read More