SemiWiki 800x100 (1) (1)
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    [term_id] => 178
    [name] => IP
    [slug] => ip
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    [taxonomy] => category
    [description] => Semiconductor Intellectual Property
    [parent] => 0
    [count] => 1793
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    [cat_ID] => 178
    [category_count] => 1793
    [category_description] => Semiconductor Intellectual Property
    [cat_name] => IP
    [category_nicename] => ip
    [category_parent] => 0
    [is_post] => 

Using Soft IP and Not Getting Burned

Using Soft IP and Not Getting Burned
by Daniel Payne on 02-07-2013 at 10:11 am

The most exciting EDA + Semi IP company that I ever worked at was Silicon Compilers in the 1980’s because it allowed you to start with a concept then implement to physical layout using a library of parameterized IP, the big problem was verifying that all of the IP combinations were in fact correct. Speed forward to today and our… Read More

Could “Less than Moore” be better to support Mobile segment explosion?

Could “Less than Moore” be better to support Mobile segment explosion?
by Eric Esteve on 02-05-2013 at 4:52 am

If you take a look at the explosion of the Mobile segment, linked with the fantastic world-wide adoption of smartphone and media tablet, you clearly see that the SC industry evolution during –at least- the next five years will be intimately correlated with the mobile segments. Not really a surprise, but the question I would like … Read More

Software Driven Power Analysis

Software Driven Power Analysis
by Paul McLellan on 02-03-2013 at 8:15 pm

Power is a fundamentally hard problem. When you have finished the design, you have accurate power numbers but can’t do anything about them. At the RTL level you have some power information but it is often too late to make major architectural changes (add an offload audio-processor, for example). Early in the design, making… Read More

Help, my IP has fallen and can’t get up

Help, my IP has fallen and can’t get up
by Don Dingee on 02-03-2013 at 8:10 pm

We’ve been talking about the different technologies for FPGA-based SoC prototyping a lot here in SemiWiki. On the surface, the recent stories all start off pretty much the same: big box, Xilinx Virtex-7, wanna go fast and see more of what’s going on in the design. This is not another one of those stories. I recently sat down with Mick… Read More

Design team in China also lead Network-on-Chip adoption…

Design team in China also lead Network-on-Chip adoption…
by Eric Esteve on 01-29-2013 at 10:43 am

I have mentioned NoC adoption explosion during the last two years, illustrated by the huge growth in revenue of a company like Arteris: if we consider only revenue coming from upfront license sales (not including royalties), Arteris growth has been geometric between 2011 and 2010, passing from 18 to 39 customers, which is more … Read More

High Performance or Cycle Accuracy? You can have both

High Performance or Cycle Accuracy? You can have both
by Daniel Payne on 01-26-2013 at 10:55 pm

SoC designers have always wanted to simulate hardware and software together during new product development, so one practical question has been how to trade off performance versus accuracy when creating an early model of the hardware. The creative minds at Carbon Design Systems and ARM have combined to offer us some hope and relief… Read More

Apple Makes More on iPhone Than Samsung on Everything

Apple Makes More on iPhone Than Samsung on Everything
by Paul McLellan on 01-25-2013 at 1:39 pm

Apple’s stock is down 10% after they announced “disappointing” results. They are only disappointing in the sense that some analysts expected even bigger profits. At $13.08 billion it is the largest quarterly profit for any corporation that is not in the oil business ever. According to wikipedia, even the … Read More

A Brief History of Sidense

A Brief History of Sidense
by Daniel Nenni on 01-24-2013 at 9:00 pm

Sidense Corp. is a leading developer of embedded non-volatile memory (NVM) intellectual property (IP) for the semiconductor IC market. The company is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, and has a global presence with sales offices worldwide.

The company was founded in 2004 by CTO Wlodek Kurjanowicz, a MoSys fellow and co-founder… Read More

How to manage decreasing by 70% a $5B IC business in less than 6 years? TI knows the answer…

How to manage decreasing by 70% a $5B IC business in less than 6 years? TI knows the answer…
by Eric Esteve on 01-24-2013 at 9:40 am

The Wireless Business Unit (WBU) from TI was created in the mid 90’s to structure the chip business in wireless handset made with customers like Nokia, Ericsson or Alcatel. I had a deep look at the WBU results: quickly growing from $1B in 2000 to reach about $5B in 2005… to finally decrease by 70%, down to $1.3B in 2012.

Let’s make it clear:… Read More

The Linley Microprocessor Conference: Weather Cloudy

The Linley Microprocessor Conference: Weather Cloudy
by Paul McLellan on 01-23-2013 at 7:51 pm

The Linley Group’s Microprocessor conference in Spring is focused on Datacenters now that cloud computing and massive internal datacenters has made them so important. The conference is on February 5th and 6th. It is free to qualified people such as network equipment vendors, network service providers and so on (which … Read More