Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
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    [description] => Internet of Things
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    [category_description] => Internet of Things
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The Metaverse: A Different Perspective

The Metaverse: A Different Perspective
by Ahmed Banafa on 03-06-2022 at 6:00 am

The Metaverse A Different Perspective

The term Metaverse has been a hot topic of conversation recently, with many tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft staking claims. But what is The Metaverse?

Author Neal Stephenson is credited with coining the term “metaverse” in his 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”. He envisioned lifelike… Read More

Your Smart Device Will Feel Your Pain & Fear

Your Smart Device Will Feel Your Pain & Fear
by Ahmed Banafa on 01-09-2022 at 6:00 am

Your Smart Device Will Feel Your Pain Fear

What if your smart device could empathize with you? The evolving field known as affective computing is likely to make it happen soon. Scientists and engineers are developing systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human affects or emotions. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning computer… Read More

Edge Computing Paradigm

Edge Computing Paradigm
by Ahmed Banafa on 12-12-2021 at 6:00 am

Edge Computing Paradigm

Edge computing is a model in which data, processing and applications are concentrated in devices at the network rather than existing almost entirely in the cloud.

Edge Computing is a paradigm that extends Cloud Computing and services to the of the network, similar to Cloud, Edge provides data, compute, storage, and application… Read More

RedCap Will Accelerate 5G for IoT

RedCap Will Accelerate 5G for IoT
by Bernard Murphy on 12-08-2021 at 6:00 am

5G 2021 min

You could be forgiven for wondering why I should push 5G when it might seem marketing is still ahead of deployment. While we may not all have it today, GlobeNewswire (September 22, 2021 12:30 ET) estimates there will be 700 million 5G connections across the world by the end of this year. That’s pretty rapid growth already, though still… Read More

IoT and 5G Convergence

IoT and 5G Convergence
by Ahmed Banafa on 09-05-2021 at 6:00 am

IoT and 5G Convergence

The Convergence of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) is the next natural move for two advance technologies built to make users lives convenient, easier and more productive. But before talking about how they will unite we need to understand each of the two technologies.

Simply defined; 5G is the next-generation cellular network… Read More

Ultra-Wide Band Finds New Relevance

Ultra-Wide Band Finds New Relevance
by Bernard Murphy on 08-24-2021 at 6:00 am

smart keyless entry min

Do you use Tile or other Bluetooth tracking devices? If so, you know that such devices, attached to your car keys or wallet, created a small stir. A way to track down something you can’t find. Very neat but hardly revolutionary. One of those consumer tchotchkes as likely to be handed out as trade-show swag as purchased.

So why did Apple… Read More

IoT’s Inconvenient Truth: IoT Security Is a Never-Ending Battle

IoT’s Inconvenient Truth: IoT Security Is a Never-Ending Battle
by Dana Neustadter on 06-01-2021 at 10:00 am

IoTs Inconvenient Truth IoT Security Is a Never Ending Battle

The continued innovation and widespread adoption of connected devices — the internet of things (IoT) — has resulted in a vast range of conveniences that improve our lives every day. At the same time, the ubiquity of IoT devices, which market watchers estimate to be in the tens of billions, also makes it more attractive to bad actors… Read More

Technology Under Your Skin: 3 Challenges of Microchip Implants

Technology Under Your Skin: 3 Challenges of Microchip Implants
by Ahmed Banafa on 04-11-2021 at 6:00 am

Challenges of Microchip Implants

As technology continues to get closer to merge with our bodies, from the smart phones in our hands to the smartwatches on our wrists to earbuds. Now, it’s getting under our skin literally with a tiny microchip. A human microchip implant is typically an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification)… Read More

CEO Interview: Kush Gulati of Omni Design Technologies

CEO Interview: Kush Gulati of Omni Design Technologies
by Daniel Nenni on 04-09-2021 at 6:00 am

Kush Gulati

Kush Gulati is the CEO of Omni Design Technologies, a company he co-founded in 2015 to lead a transformation in how high-performance analog IP is developed and integrated into SoCs in advanced process nodes. With a PhD from MIT, he is a renowned expert in data converters, and a serial entrepreneur. His first startup was a detective… Read More

Hearables: From Earbuds to Life Augmentation and Beyond

Hearables: From Earbuds to Life Augmentation and Beyond
by Kalar Rajendiran on 03-09-2021 at 10:00 am

Hearables Market Players Source IDTechEx Research

As the months of 2020 passed by, I started noticing more and more people sporting what looked like fashionable ear accessories. I’m of course referring to True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds. With the rapid increase in online meetings due to social distancing requirements, it appeared that adoption of TWS earbuds was even faster… Read More