Samtec Dominates DesignCon 2021

Samtec Dominates DesignCon 2021
by Mike Gianfagna on 08-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Samtec Dominates DesignCon 2021

DesignCon has grown over the years to become a true system design show. The show’s tagline is WHERE THE CHIP MEETS TO BOARD. This is just the beginning. Besides the chip and the board there are all the challenges, opportunities, and options to get signals reliably propagated throughout the entire system. Power, signal integrity,… Read More

TSMC Explains the Fourth Era of Semiconductor – It’s All About Collaboration

TSMC Explains the Fourth Era of Semiconductor – It’s All About Collaboration
by Mike Gianfagna on 08-13-2021 at 6:00 am

TSMC Explains the Fourth Era of Semiconductor – Its All About Collaboration

The 32nd VLSI Design/CAD Symposium  just occurred in a virtual setting. The theme of the event this year was “ICs Powering Smart Life Innovation”. There were many excellent presentations across analog & RF, EDA & testing, digital & system, and emerging technology. There were also some excellent keynotes, and this… Read More

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable?

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable?
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable

SemiWiki has covered the Q2, Q3 and Q4 ESD Alliance quarterly revenue reports previously. The Q2 2020 report suggested that EDA had COVID immunity. The Q3 2020 report inspired an Up and to the Right comment. The Q4 2020 report  demanded a Juggernaut label.  And now the Q1 2021 report posts yet more record-breaking growth. This is … Read More

Get a Jump-Start on Your Next IoT Design with Sondrel’s SFA 100

Get a Jump-Start on Your Next IoT Design with Sondrel’s SFA 100
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-14-2021 at 6:00 am

Get a Jump Start on Your Next IoT Design with Sondrels SFA 100

The concept of platform-based design has been around a long time. I can recall Nokia’s early cell phone products used the strategy very effectively. They were able to turn out new phones quickly by leveraging their existing chip design as a baseline on which to add features. This is commonplace today but was innovative at that time.… Read More

When Implementing 112G PAM4 Channels, Getting There is Half the Fun

When Implementing 112G PAM4 Channels, Getting There is Half the Fun
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-07-2021 at 10:00 am

When Implementing 112G PAM4 Channels Getting There is Half the Fun

The slogan in the title of this post originated with the cruise ship industry in the 1950s. The comment resonated then, and it continues to do so now. In a different context of course. Consider the substantial pressure for higher bandwidth channels. 5G has lit the fuse on a massive increase in wireless data volumes. IoT, autonomous… Read More

Achieving Scalability Means No More Silos

Achieving Scalability Means No More Silos
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Achieving Scalability Means No More Silos

This is a story of contrasts and counter-intuitive results. Perforce recently published a white paper discussing enterprise scalability – what it takes, why it’s important and what can get in the way. The discussion will shake up some long-held notions regarding effective project management. The results can be significant,… Read More

Silicon Catalyst and Cornell University Are Expanding Opportunities for Startups Like Geegah

Silicon Catalyst and Cornell University Are Expanding Opportunities for Startups Like Geegah
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-24-2021 at 6:00 am

Silicon Catalyst and Cornell University Are Expanding Opportunities

SemiWiki has covered many aspects of Silicon Catalyst, from their business model to notable industry events and profiles of promising startups. You can get some perspective on the breadth and depth of Silicon Catalyst here. In this post, I’ll explore an aspect of the broader collaboration the organization is engaging in. It is… Read More

Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market

Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-17-2021 at 10:00 am

Alchip is Painting a Bright Future for the ASIC Market

I’ve spent most of my career in the ASIC business. In 2003, Gartner predicted the ASIC market would grow to $16.9B. During that time, there were a number of startups building ASICs, but the applications were a bit specialized and aimed at new markets. Consequently, there was a lot of risk to build a chip startup and many ASICs either… Read More

Data Orchestration Hardware Unlocks the Full Potential of AI

Data Orchestration Hardware Unlocks the Full Potential of AI
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-10-2021 at 10:00 am

Data Orchestration Hardware Unlocks the Full Potential of AI

We all know that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are fundamentally changing the world. From the smart devices that gather data to the hyperscale data centers that analyze it, the impact of AI/ML can be felt almost everywhere. It is also well-known that hardware accelerators have opened the door to real-time… Read More

WEBINAR: 5 Reasons Why a High Performance Reconfigurable SmartNIC Demands a 2D NoC

WEBINAR: 5 Reasons Why a High Performance Reconfigurable SmartNIC Demands a 2D NoC
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-10-2021 at 6:00 am

WEBINAR 5 Reasons Why a High Performance Reconfigurable SmartNIC Demands a 2D NoC

If you are involved in designing systems that process data, you’re going to want to attend this webinar. Practically speaking, this should include a large percentage of the SemiWiki readership. Since data is the new oil there are a lot of applications drawn to data and information processing. Before we explore this webinar, let’s… Read More