It is ‘Quarterly’ financial report time for many companies and one can occasionally find some interesting snippets in the transcripts of the calls which normally accompany these announcements. For example, SanDisk appear to have an encouraging quarter, reversing sales declines seen through Q1 and Q2. However, what caught … Read More
Author: Ed McKernan
Waiting or EUV – Another View on the ReRAM Roadmap
2nd International RRAM Workshop at Stanford
The 2nd International Workshop on Resistive RAM. The workshop was the second installment of an annual series organized by Stanford University and the Belgian research institute Imec. Like most RRAM workshops, this year’s event featured talks focusing on the physics of RRAM devices and their underlying switching mechanism(s).… Read More
ReRAM Cell Modeling and Kinetics
Introducing the first ReRAM-Forum movie!! In part 2 of their recently published papers in the Transactions on Electron Devices of the IEEE, Professor Ielmini’s group describe the modeling of resistive switching in bipolar metal oxide ReRAM. Like part 1, the paper is collaboration with David Gilmer of Sematech who provided the… Read More
Altera’s Real Impact with ARM based SOC FPGAs
At the annual Linley Processor Conference this past week a number of chip vendors proposed a raft of new networking solutions directed at solving today’s bandwidth issues. Perhaps the overall highlight of the conference was the recognition by Keynote Speaker Linley Gwennap of the shift that is taking place towards ARM based solutions.… Read More
Apple and The Road Ahead to Building an x86 Processor
A small blurb last week announced that Apple had hired Jim Mergard away from Samsung after just 15 months on the job. Previously to that he was a 16-year AMD veteran who headed up their low power x86 Brazos processor team. In near synchronicity, AMD hired Famed Apple Designer Jim Keller to be its chief microprocessor architect. When… Read More
Dear Meg, HP is Still a Goner
A year ago, Meg Whitman decided it was time to venture back into the business world by grabbing onto the HP CEO baton from a badly wounded Leo Apotheker. What for? My best guess is to enter the Pantheon of Great Turnaround CEOs of failing companies, best exemplified by the work of Lou Gerstner with IBM in the early 1990s. It comes too late… Read More
Hynix View on New, Emerging Memories
The recent (August) flash memory summit in Santa Clara had a session devoted to ReRAM as well as featuring prominently in the keynote address by Sung Wook Park of SK Hynix. The talk includes a summary of NAND’s well known scaling issues along with approaches to 3D NAND. It turns out that they are working on three different technologies:… Read More
ReRAM Cell Switching and Trends
Confused by the way a ReRAM cell behaves? Looking for a clear definition of the various terms used? Then check out Blogs at on recent publications appearing in the IEEE journals. The latest Blog discusses a paper published by Professor Daniele Ielmini of the Politecnico di Milano in Italy on the Resistive Switching… Read More
ReRAM/CBRAM at the 2012 IEDM Conference
Time flies! IEDM time is coming up again (this year on the left coast) and the conference program is now on-line. Lots of interest to the ReRAM/CBRAM community. While some trends are emerging (Hafnium Oxide appears to be the material of choice) there are still plenty of other more contentious issues. ReRAM/CBRAM has reached the … Read More
Toshiba’s ReRAM R&D Roadmap
Most companies in the memory business have ReRAM on their radar if not their roadmaps. Toshiba have made some bullish comments about the roadmap and chip size for ReRAM at a recent R&D Strategies Update. At face value, the schedule would put Toshiba quite a bit ahead of their competitors. Over at, we have done… Read More
Unlocking the cloud: A new era for post-tapeout flow for semiconductor manufacturing