Advanced EM simulations target conducted EMI and transients

Advanced EM simulations target conducted EMI and transients
by Don Dingee on 09-19-2022 at 6:00 am

Advanced EM simulations yield both conducted and radiated EMI in automotive power integrity analysis

A vital benefit of advanced EM simulations is their ability to take on complicated physical test setups, substituting far easier virtual tests yielding accurate results earlier during design activities. The latest release of Keysight PathWave ADS 2023 continues speeding up engineering workflows. Let’s look at three… Read More

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs for Level 5 self-driving
by Don Dingee on 09-14-2022 at 6:00 am

Ultra-efficient heterogeneous SoCs target the AI processing pipeline for Level 5 self-driving

The latest advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) like Mercedes’ Drive Pilot and Tesla’s FSD perform SAE Level 3 self-driving, with the driver ready to take back control if the vehicle calls for it. Reaching Level 5 – full, unconditional autonomy – means facing a new class of challenges unsolvable with existing technology… Read More

WEBINAR The Rise of the SmartNIC

WEBINAR The Rise of the SmartNIC
by Don Dingee on 09-08-2022 at 10:00 am

Achronix Webinar - Rise of the SmartNIC

A recent live discussion between experts Scott Schweitzer, Director of SmartNIC Product Planning with Achronix, and Jon Sreekanth, CTO of Accolade Technology, looked at the idea behind the rise of the SmartNIC and ran an “ask us anything” session fielding audience questions about the technology and its use cases.

Three phases

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A faster prototyping device-under-test connection

A faster prototyping device-under-test connection
by Don Dingee on 08-30-2022 at 6:00 am

ProtoBridge from S2C provides a high bandwidth prototyping device-unider-test connection

When discussing FPGA-based prototyping, we often focus on how to pour IP from a formative SoC design into one or more FPGAs so it can be explored and verified before heading off to a foundry where design mistakes get expensive. There’s also the software development use case, jumpstarting coding for the SoC before silicon … Read More

A clear VectorPath when AI inference models are uncertain

A clear VectorPath when AI inference models are uncertain
by Don Dingee on 08-22-2022 at 10:00 am

Achronix VectorPath Accelerator Card with Speedster 7t1500 FPGA for running AI inference models and more

The chase to add artificial intelligence (AI) into many complex applications is surfacing a new trend. There’s a sense these applications need a lot of AI inference operations, but very few architects can say precisely what those operations will do. Self-driving may be the best example, where improved AI model research and discovery… Read More

Post-quantum cryptography steps on the field

Post-quantum cryptography steps on the field
by Don Dingee on 08-01-2022 at 6:00 am

PQSubSys post quantum cryptography IP

In cybersecurity circles, the elephant in the room is a quantum computer in the hands of nefarious actors. A day is coming, soon, when well-funded organizations will be able to rent time on, or maybe even build or buy a quantum machine. Then, if data is valuable enough, people will hunt for it. Two or three months of compute time on a … Read More

EasyVision: A turnkey vision solution with AI built-in

EasyVision: A turnkey vision solution with AI built-in
by Don Dingee on 07-21-2022 at 6:00 am

People counting with EasyVision, a turnkey vision solution from Flex Logix

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reserved for companies with hordes of data scientists, right? There’s plenty of big problems where heavy-duty AI fits. There’s also a space of smaller, well-explored problems where lighter AI can deliver rapid results. Flex Logix is taking that idea a step further, packaging their InferX X1 edge… Read More

Seeing 1/f noise more accurately

Seeing 1/f noise more accurately
by Don Dingee on 06-15-2022 at 10:00 am

Decimation chain speeds up measurements for 1/f noise

Electronics noise is often described as “white,” spread evenly across a band, typical on older semiconductor processes where thermal and shot noise dominate. As transistors shrink, “pink” 1/f noise takes over at low frequencies – becoming stronger in advanced processes and quantum computing technology. But it’s not an easy… Read More

RISC-V embedded software gets teams coding faster

RISC-V embedded software gets teams coding faster
by Don Dingee on 06-07-2022 at 10:00 am

Nucleus RTOS

RISC-V processor IP is abundant. Open-source code for RISC-V is also widely available, but typically project-based code solves one specific problem. Using only pieces of code, it’s often up to a development team integrate a complete application-ready stack for creating an embedded device. A commercial embedded software development… Read More

Flexible prototyping for validation and firmware workflows

Flexible prototyping for validation and firmware workflows
by Don Dingee on 06-02-2022 at 10:00 am

The Prodigy S7-P19 Logic System can help speed up validation and firmware workflows

The quest for bigger FPGA-based prototyping platforms continues, in lockstep with each new generation of faster, higher capacity FPGAs. The arrival of the Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ VU19P FPGA takes capacity to new levels and adds transceiver and I/O bandwidth. When these slot into S2C’s Prodigy S7-19P Logic System, the result… Read More