ISO 21434 for Cybersecurity-Aware SoC Development

ISO 21434 for Cybersecurity-Aware SoC Development
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-31-2023 at 10:00 am

Cybersecurity agreement in supply chain

The automotive industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with vehicles becoming more connected, automated, and reliant on software. While these advancements promise convenience, comfort and efficiency to the consumers, the nature and complexity of the technologies also raise concerns for functional safety … Read More

Closing the Communication Chasms in the SoC Design and Manufacturing Supply Chain

Closing the Communication Chasms in the SoC Design and Manufacturing Supply Chain
by Kalar Rajendiran on 06-08-2022 at 6:00 am

Sondrel Soup to Nuts

In sports, we’re all familiar with how even a team with the best individual players for every role needs to be coordinated as a team to win a championship. In healthcare, a patient is better served with a well-trained primary physician to coordinate with the various medical specialists. The field of semiconductors involves a series… Read More

KLAC- Great quarter and year – March Q is turning point of supply chain problem

KLAC- Great quarter and year – March Q is turning point of supply chain problem
by Robert Maire on 01-30-2022 at 10:00 am

KLAC Foundry Logic

-KLAC – great QTR & calendar year but supply chain impacted
-Management feels supply chain to improve after March Q
-Demand remains strong, driven by foundry/logic
-Process management is next best place in industry after litho

Great end to calendar year

KLA reported revenues of $2.53B with non GAAP EPS of $5.59 nicely… Read More

Minimizing MCU Supply Chain Grief

Minimizing MCU Supply Chain Grief
by Bernard Murphy on 11-11-2021 at 6:00 am

Siemens AUTOSAR min

I doubt there is anyone who hasn’t felt the impact of supply chain problems, from late ecommerce deliveries (weeks) to kitchen appliances (up to 6 months or more). Perhaps no industry has been more affected than auto makers, whose cars are now critically dependent on advanced electronics. According to a white paper recently released… Read More

Securing Applications: A PUFiot Solution for RISC-V-based IoT Devices

Securing Applications: A PUFiot Solution for RISC-V-based IoT Devices
by Kalar Rajendiran on 09-27-2021 at 6:00 am

PUFiot Supporting Secure Applications

In June 2021, eMemory Technology hosted a webinar titled “PUFiot: A PUFrt-based Secure Coprocessor.” You can read a blog leading up to that webinar here. PUFiot is a novel high-security crypto coprocessor. You can access a recording of that entire webinar from eMemory’s Resources page. While the focus of that webinar was to present… Read More

ISO 26262: People, Process and Product

ISO 26262: People, Process and Product
by Bernard Murphy on 08-29-2018 at 12:00 pm

Kurt Shuler, VP Marketing at Arteris IP, is pretty passionate that people working in the automotive supply chain should understand not just a minimalist reading of ISO 26262 as it applies to them but rather the broader intent, particularly as it is likely to affect others higher in the supply chain. As an active ISO 26262 working … Read More

Over-under: Apple, 52M iPhones in 4Q

Over-under: Apple, 52M iPhones in 4Q
by Don Dingee on 09-20-2012 at 8:15 pm

I’m in a Twitter conversation with some friends, with the subject: how many phones can Apple ship in the 4th quarter?

A respected analyst said 52M is “an easy mark” for Apple; others are saying 58M is the target for just the iPhone 5 in 4Q. However, the start for the iPhone 5 has been anything but easy. Oh, the orders… Read More

Apple’s Supply Chain

Apple’s Supply Chain
by Paul McLellan on 09-21-2011 at 5:48 pm

I am doing some consulting right now for a company that shall remain nameless, and one of the things I have had to look at is Apple’s supply chain. I came across an interesting article by someone with the goal to “buy a MacBook Air that isn’t made by Apple.” He is in the UK and doesn’t like Apple’s… Read More