What’s New with Cadence Virtuoso?

What’s New with Cadence Virtuoso?
by Daniel Payne on 04-19-2023 at 10:00 am

Virtuoso Place and Route min

It was back in 1991 that Cadence first announced the Virtuoso product name, and here we are 32 years later and the product is alive and doing quite well. Steven Lewis from Cadence gave me an update on something new that they call Virtuoso Studio, and it’s all about custom IC design for the real world. In those 32 years we’ve… Read More

Mixed-Signal Debugging Gets a Boost

Mixed-Signal Debugging Gets a Boost
by Daniel Payne on 03-30-2020 at 6:00 am

starvision pro

Having the right tool for the job at hand is always a joy, and when your IC project involves RTL code, gates, transistors and even parasitic interconnect, then you need some EDA tool help for debugging and finding out why your design behaves the way it is. An FAE named Sujit Roy did a conference call with me last week to show what StarVisionRead More

Timing Channel Attacks are Your Problem Too

Timing Channel Attacks are Your Problem Too
by Bernard Murphy on 08-07-2018 at 7:00 am

You’ve heard about Meltdown and Spectre and you know they’re really bad security bugs (in different ways). If you’ve dug deeper, you know that these problems are related to the speculative execution common in modern processors, and if you dug deeper still you may have learned that underlying both problems are exploits called timing… Read More

CEO Interview: Jason Oberg of Tortuga Logic

CEO Interview: Jason Oberg of Tortuga Logic
by Bernard Murphy on 05-31-2018 at 7:00 am

I first met Jason Oberg, CEO and one of the co-founders of Tortuga Logic, several years ago when I was still at Atrenta. At that time Jason and Jonny Valamehr (also a co-founder and the COO) were looking for partners. The timing wasn’t right, but we’ve stayed in touch, for my part because their area of focus (security) is hot and likely… Read More

Converter Circuit Optimization Gets Powerful New Tool

Converter Circuit Optimization Gets Powerful New Tool
by Tom Simon on 05-09-2018 at 12:00 pm

DC converter circuit efficiency can have a big effect on the battery life of mobile devices. It also can affect power efficiency for wall-power operated circuits. Even before parasitics are factored in, converter circuit designers have a lot of issues to contend with. Optimizing circuit operation is essential for giving consumers… Read More

System Level Formal

System Level Formal
by Bernard Murphy on 01-09-2018 at 7:00 am

Two recently announced vulnerabilities in major processor platforms should remind us that bugs don’t organize themselves to appear only in domains we know how to test comprehensively. Both Meltdown and Spectre (the announced problems) are potential hardware system-level issues allowed by interactions between speculative… Read More

Improved Memory Design, Characterization and Verification

Improved Memory Design, Characterization and Verification
by Daniel Payne on 09-19-2017 at 12:00 pm

My IC design career started out with DRAM design, characterization and verification back in the 1970’s, so I vividly recall how much SPICE circuit simulation was involved, and how little automation we had back in the day, so we tended to cobble together our own scripts to help automate the process a bit. With each new process… Read More

What’s New with Circuit Simulation for Cadence?

What’s New with Circuit Simulation for Cadence?
by Daniel Payne on 06-26-2014 at 11:53 am

Every year at DAC I enjoy making the rounds to see what’s new with SPICE circuit simulators, so on June 3rd I met with Xiuya Liand Dan Zhuof Cadence in San Francisco to get an update about their Spectre tool. There’s plenty of competition in the SPICE area from Mentor Graphics (Analog FastSPICE, Eldo, ADiT), Synopsys … Read More

CDNS V. BDA: Motion to Dismiss

CDNS V. BDA: Motion to Dismiss
by Paul McLellan on 05-02-2013 at 1:00 pm

The Cadence-BDA saga continues with Berkeley Design Automation today filing a motion to dismiss. You can read the full motion HERE. My previous blog “Cadence Sues Berkeley Design Automation” with 30+ comments is HERE.

The first problem BDA brings up is that the DMCA claim by Cadence is so vague that it doesn’t… Read More