Samsung 28nm Beats Intel 22nm!

Samsung 28nm Beats Intel 22nm!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-18-2013 at 6:00 pm

There was some serious backlash to the “Intel Bay Trail Fail” blog I posted last week, mostly personal attacks by the spoon fed Intel faithful, but there are however some very interesting points made amongst the 30+ comments so be sure and read them when you have a chance.

The Business insider article “The iPhoneRead More

Wall St. Takes the Wheel at Wintel

Wall St. Takes the Wheel at Wintel
by Ed McKernan on 08-26-2013 at 5:45 pm

It now appears that Steve Ballmer was suddenly given his walking papers at the urging of an activist investor (ValueAct) and with the concurrence of Bill Gates. Wall Street’s growing impatience tends to coincide when the Innovators Dilemma scenario has taken hold of a company that has been unable to overcome its challengers. Why… Read More

TSMC is a more profitable semiconductor company than Intel

TSMC is a more profitable semiconductor company than Intel
by Daniel Nenni on 08-07-2013 at 9:00 pm

There is an interesting article on Seeking Alpha, “A More Profitable Semiconductor Company Than Intel”, and for a change the author does not PRETEND to know semiconductor technology. Refreshing! Personally I think the stock market is a racket where insiders profit at the expense of the masses. But if you are going to gamble you … Read More

Apple Goes All Amazonian

Apple Goes All Amazonian
by Ed McKernan on 08-01-2013 at 4:00 pm

In the world of Tech Goliaths, the seemingly low tech, not for profit Amazon continues to amaze investors with a high and rising stock price. More so than Google, Amazon is considered to have retail all wrapped up with the end game being sky-high warehouses and continuous truck rolls up and down our scenic neighborhoods. Walmart … Read More

Smartphone Shipment Explosion Sustained by $50-$75 devices, Mostly in China

Smartphone Shipment Explosion Sustained by $50-$75 devices, Mostly in China
by Eric Esteve on 07-01-2013 at 9:21 am

Until recently, talking about smartphone incredible shipment growth was understood as shipments of A5 iPhone or Galaxy Note, and this was true. Devices priced at $500 or more are shipping like baguette in Paris, but this fact is only true in Europe, Korea, Japan or USA. Does that means that people living populated countries like… Read More

The Future of Mobile Semiconductor Devices

The Future of Mobile Semiconductor Devices
by Daniel Nenni on 06-30-2013 at 5:00 pm

During my trip to Taiwan I hopped on over to Hong Kong for a speaking engagement. One of the things I do as an “Internationally Recognized Industry Expert” is help the financial world understand the semiconductor landscape as it pertains to SoCs and mobile devices. Usually I do this over the phone or in writing but I prefer to do it in… Read More

Intel Plays to the 4 Horsemen of the Mobile Software World

Intel Plays to the 4 Horsemen of the Mobile Software World
by Ed McKernan on 06-13-2013 at 1:00 am

Just at the moment we look for the mobile market to consolidate, it fractures along new fault lines as old allies become enemies and new business models appear in order to spur the ecosystem giants forward. It was not long ago that Android was let loose in an attempt to prove that the Mobile World is Flat. Ah but Samsung decided that it… Read More

…And Now Intel Will Make a Turn Towards Memories as it Plans to Capture Samsung

…And Now Intel Will Make a Turn Towards Memories as it Plans to Capture Samsung
by Ed McKernan on 06-09-2013 at 10:00 pm

While eyes remain fixated on the architectural battle between Intel and ARM, a second front is soon about to open up that will determine mobile supremacy for the rest of the decade. Whereas yesterday’s story on the collapse of Wintel and the anointing of Google and Samsung are repeated endlessly, now tables are being set for a significant… Read More

Reshoring Semiconductor Manufacturing

Reshoring Semiconductor Manufacturing
by Paul McLellan on 06-06-2013 at 5:29 pm

So where in the world do you think semiconductor manufacturing is increasing the fastest? OK, Taiwan, that was pretty easy. But in second place, with over 20% of the world’s semiconductor equipment capital investment is the US. Growing faster than Europe, China, Japan and equal with Korea.

This was not the case half a dozen… Read More

Enabling 14nm FinFET Design

Enabling 14nm FinFET Design
by Daniel Payne on 05-28-2013 at 12:54 pm

There’s never a dull moment in the foundry race to offer FinFET processes that enable leading-edge SoC design. Today I attended a webinar hosted by Samsung and Synopsys on how to enable 14nm FinFET design. The two speakers were Dr. Kuang-Kuo Lin from Samsung and Dr. Henry Sheng from Synopsys.

Dr. Kuang-Kuo Lin, Samsung

Dr.Read More