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Does this justify the widespread Intel bashing?
The latest Intel earnings release was another sharp and deeper turn into the company’s death spiral. On the surface, it is just a whole load of bad news, and the web has been vibrating with Intel bashing since the release.
So what are the facts?
From a revenue perspective, Intel was inside… Read More
AMD’s Q1-2024 financial results are out, prompting us to delve into the Data Center Processing market. This analysis, usually reserved for us Semiconductor aficionados, has taken on a new dimension. The rise of AI products, now the gold standard for semiconductor companies, has sparked a revolution in the industry, making… Read More
In the dynamic realm of technological innovation, collaborations and partnerships often serve as catalysts for groundbreaking advancements. Continuing along this trajectory, Ansys, a global leader in engineering simulation software, has forged a partnership with Intel Foundry to enable multiphysics chip design. The … Read More
A list of the best and worst CEOs in 2014 was recently published. The good news is that none of our semiconductor CEOs were on the worst list. The bad news is that none of our semiconductor CEOs were on the best list either. I will be writing about the CEOs that made our industry what it is today starting… Read More
After the Biden administration upped the ante in the tech war by restricting China’s access to advanced US semiconductor technology, the $64,000 question was “How might Beijing respond?”
Punishing American companies in China (like Apple and Tesla) was not considered likely given the employment they generate – Apple… Read More
The media has gone wild over a false report that Intel and TSMC are slowing down 3nm. It is all about sensationalism and getting clicks no matter what damage is done to the hardworking semiconductor people, companies and industry as a whole. And like lemmings jumping off a cliff, other less reputable media outlets perpetuated this… Read More
-Chip cycle will come down. Only question is landing impact
-What does cyclical end do to re-shoring & build out plans?
-Is it less demand, excess supply or both? Does it matter?
-CHIP Act rescue efforts get desperate switching to threats
Any landing you can walk away from is a good one
For those of us who have been in the semiconductor… Read More
Intel’s big investor day was anything but big. The stock reacted poorly, down 5% on a day that was a widespread sell-off anyways.
I want to briefly summarize what matters for the stock. There was very little incremental news to the technology roadmap, and the financial outlook was underwhelming, to say the least.
The rationale behind the Tower Semi acquisition and things to watch out for at Intel’s investor day.
Intel bids for Tower Semi
First I have to quote myself because Tower was an error of omission. In November in a piece that was likely too long for its own good, I mentioned that trailing edge fabs are in a huge position of strength… Read More
-Intel jumpstarts foundry model with Tower semi buy @$54B Gets complementary tech to round out offerings
-Approval based on satisfying China’s needs as well
-Margin concerns overblown- Will it be allowed to flourish?
Intel pays up to get foundry and technology….
Intel announced a $5.4B acquisition of Tower Semiconductor… Read More