The set of MIPI specifications has severely enlarged during the past year. This is a positive point, as the large set of specifications induces a wider choice, and a chip maker can decide to implement a complex specification to differentiate with competitors, or select a specification just tailored to support a basic architecture… Read More
Tag: mipi
MIPI Alliance Specifications Adoption Status in 2013
At the beginning of December in Paris I had the opportunity to make a presentation to a very impressive audience, technical gurus from companies contributing to MIPI Alliance specification were here, including ST-Microelectronics, Intel, Qualcomm, TI, Toshiba, Nokia, Samsung, to name a few. … Read More
Complete IP port-folio built in less than two years!
We have posted several blogs related to Cadence IP strategy, or I should say new strategy. Each of these blogs was dealing with a particular product, like PCI Express gen-3 Controller IP, latest DDR4 Memory Controller or Wide I/O. This approach was equivalent to describe trees, one after one, and finally ignoring the forest! It’s… Read More
What’s new in the “Interface IP Survey” ?
The reader will find many updates in the “Interface IP Survey” from IPNEST, released in October 2013. Good question, as the IP market is a very fast moving one and the protocol based Interface IP, is moving even faster… exhibiting 20% growth rate in 2012, expected to grow with 10% CAGR between 2012 and 2017 to reach $700M. … Read More
Interface Protocols, USB3, PCI Express, MIPI, DDRn… the winner and losers in 2013
How to best forecast a specific protocol adoption? One option is to look at the various IP sales, it will give you a good idea of the number of SoC or IC offering this feature on the market in the next 12 months. Once again, if you wait for the IP sale to have reached a maximum, it will be too late, so you have to monitor the IP sales dynamic when… Read More
Cadence Grows VIP Business – What’s New?
VIPs (Verification IPs) are really important in this complex world of SoCs which involve various IPs, interfaces and continuously evolving protocols and standards, thus making the task of verifying an overall system extremely challenging. And the verification must be done in minimum possible run-time and memory consumption.… Read More
Mobile SoC will benefit now from M-PCIe
We have already discussed the recently released M-PCIe ECN from PCI-SIG in Semiwiki at the end of 2012, but the new “standard” (in fact an Engineering Change from PCI-SIG and MIPI Alliance) was only real on paper, at that time. The upcoming webinar from Synopsys, M-PCIe: Utilizing Low-Power PCI Express in Mobile Designs, shows … Read More
How To Connect Your Cell-phone Camera
Your cell-phone contains a camera. In fact, it probably contains two: one forward facing for video-calls and one rear-facing for taking photographs and videos. The rear-facing one typically has much higher pixel count than the front-facing. The capabilities of cell-phone cameras are getting “good enough” that… Read More
Any MIPI CSI-3 Host IP Solution for SoCs Interfacing with Sensors?
For those taking a quick look at the various MIPI Interface specification, the first reaction is to realize that they will have to look at MIPI more closely, and that it will take them longer than expected to make sure they really understand the various specifications! Let’s start with the PHY. One specification defines the D-PHY,… Read More
Should an IP vendor become a PHY IP Dealer?
This is not a theoretical question. Imagine that you are developing and selling digital IP, like Interface Controller, PCI Express or USB 2.0 or 3.0, or MIPI Camera Serial Interface (CSI) or Display Serial Interface (DSI). If you look at companies like Synopsys, they have built their success on the “Integrated Interface IP” concept.… Read More