Fast Path to Baby Llama BringUp at the Edge

Fast Path to Baby Llama BringUp at the Edge
by Bernard Murphy on 09-26-2023 at 10:00 am

Baby Llama min

Tis the season for transformer-centric articles apparently – this is my third within a month. Clearly this is a domain with both great opportunities and challenges: extending large language model (LLM) potential to new edge products and revenue opportunities, with unbounded applications and volumes yet challenges in meeting… Read More

5G Core – Building An Open, Multi-Vendor Ecosystem

5G Core – Building An Open, Multi-Vendor Ecosystem
by Kalar Rajendiran on 04-14-2022 at 10:00 am

5G Potential for Businesses

For those not familiar with Fierce Technology, this firm offers a one stop place for news, analysis and education in the areas of telecom, wireless, sensors and all related electronics markets. They organize popular events such as the 5G Blitz Week, Sensors Innovation Week series, Sensors Converge and many more. These events … Read More

Facebook or Meta: Change the Head Coach

Facebook or Meta: Change the Head Coach
by Ahmed Banafa on 03-20-2022 at 6:00 am

Facebook or Meta Change the Head Coach

The title of this article shows one side of the problem with #Meta or Facebook which is how people saying the name and adding “whatever their name now….”, but let me get down to the main points by giving this example of comparing Facebook changing of its name to Meta, to repainting an old house with cracks and outdated design which will… Read More

How System Companies are Re-shaping the Requirements for EDA

How System Companies are Re-shaping the Requirements for EDA
by Kalar Rajendiran on 01-24-2022 at 10:00 am

Panelists and Cadence Moderator

As the oldest and largest EDA conference, the Design Automation Conference (DAC) brings the best minds together to present, discuss, showcase and debate the latest and greatest advances in EDA. It accomplishes this in the form of technical papers, talks, company booths, product pavilions and panel discussions.

A key aspect … Read More