I’ve written before about how the automotive industry adheres to functional safety (FS) as defined in the ISO 26262 standard, along with other SemiWiki bloggers. That standard certainly defines the What part of FS, however it doesn’t mandate how you meet the standard, what tools you should be using, file formats … Read More
Tag: iso 26262
Safety Architecture Verification, ISO 26262
I love to read articles about autonomous vehicles and the eventual goal of reaching level 5, Full Automation, mostly because of the daunting engineering challenges in achieving this feat and all of the technology used in the process. The auto industry already has a defined safety requirements standard called ISO 26262, and one… Read More
Upping the Safety Game Plan for Automotive SoCs
Thanks to advanced hardware and software, smart vehicles are improving with every generation. Capabilities that once seemed far-off and futuristic—from automatic braking to self-driving at the very pinnacle—are now either standard or within reach. However, considering how vehicle architectures have continued to evolve,… Read More
Your Car Is a Smartphone on Wheels—and It Needs Smartphone Security
Your modern car is a computer on wheels—potentially hundreds of computers on a set of wheels. Heck, even the wheels are infested with computers—what do you think prompts that little light on your dashboard to come on if your tire pressure is low? And computers don’t just run your infotainment system, backup camera, dashboard warning
Smarter Product Lifecycle Management for Semiconductors
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) for electronic systems has moved from a passive ‘fire and forget’ approach to one that is intimately involved not only during design, but also throughout the entire life of every unit delivered to the field. Siemens EDA has a white paper titled “Tessent Silicon Lifecycle Solutions” that talks… Read More
Observation Scan Solves ISO 26262 In-System Test Issues
Automotive electronic content has been growing at an accelerating pace, along with a shift from infotainment toward mission critical functions such as traction control, safety systems, engine control, autonomous driving, etc. The ISO 26262 automotive electronics safety standard evolved to help ensure that these systems… Read More
Change Management for Functional Safety
By now we’re pretty familiar with the requirements ISO 26262 places on development for automotive safety. The process, procedures and metrics you will apply to meet various automotive safety integrity levels (ASIL). You need to train organizations. In fact you should establish a safety culture across the whole company or line… Read More
Arm Mobility and Industrial Advances in Safety, Flexibility
Again on the theme of rationalizing NVIDIA’s $40B acquisition of Arm, two more hot areas for growth are mobility and industrial automation markets. NVIDIA is already strong in intelligent mobility and Arm is is virtually everywhere in the modern car. Ditto for robotics in industry. In fact the two domains have significant overlap:… Read More
ARC Processor Virtual Summit!
The ARC Processor has a rich history. Originally named the Argonaut RISC Processor, it was designed for the Nintendo Game Systems in the 1990s. Argonaut Technologies Limited later became ARC International. My first intimate exposure to ARC was in 2009 when Virage Logic acquired ARC. A year later Virage was acquired by Synopsys… Read More
IP to SoC Flow Critical for ISO 26262
In thinking about automotive electronics safety standards, such as ISO 26262, it is easy to jump to the conclusion that they are in reference to systems such as autonomous driving, which are entering the marketplace. In reality, functional safety in automotive electronics plays a significant role in many well-established automotive… Read More