S2C Accelerates Development Timeline of Bluetooth LE Audio SoC

S2C Accelerates Development Timeline of Bluetooth LE Audio SoC
by Daniel Nenni on 06-15-2023 at 6:00 am


S2C has been shipping FPGA prototyping platforms for SoC verification for almost two decades, and many of its customers are developing SoCs and silicon IP for Bluetooth applications.  Prototyping Bluetooth designs before silicon has yielded improved design efficiencies through more comprehensive system validation, and… Read More

Highlights of the TSMC Technology Symposium 2021 – Automotive

Highlights of the TSMC Technology Symposium 2021 – Automotive
by Tom Dillinger on 06-15-2021 at 6:00 am

automotive market growth v2

At the recent TSMC Technology Symposium, TSMC provided a detailed discussion of their development roadmaps.  Previous articles have reviewed the highlights of silicon process and packaging technologies.  The automotive platform received considerable emphasis at the Symposium – this article specifically focuses on the… Read More

Webinar on eNVM Choices at 28nm and below by Globalfoundries

Webinar on eNVM Choices at 28nm and below by Globalfoundries
by Tom Simon on 03-31-2020 at 10:00 am

eFLASH Replacement MRAM

Embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) plays an essential role in most systems and SoCs. eFLASH has found its way into a wide range of devices, including automotive, industrial, IoT and those in a mixture of other markets. NAND Flash has proven to be a workhorse in all of these areas. For instance, MCUs use them for code and data storage… Read More

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Sets a New Bar for Advanced Non-Volatile Memory Technology

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Sets a New Bar for Advanced Non-Volatile Memory Technology
by Mike Gianfagna on 03-02-2020 at 6:00 am

eNVM applications

Whether it’s the solid-state disk in your laptop, IoT/automotive hardware or  edge-based AI, embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) is a critical building block for these and many other applications. The workhorse technology for this capability has typically been NOR flash (eFlash), but a problem looms as eFlash presents challenges… Read More