Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality
by Bernard Murphy on 04-20-2017 at 7:00 am

In the world of hardware emulators, virtualization is a hot and sometimes contentious topic. It’s hot because emulators are expensive, creating a lot of pressure to maximize return on that investment through multi-user sharing and 24×7 operation. And of course in this cloud-centric world it doesn’t hurt to promote cloud-like… Read More

The Rise of Transaction-Based Emulation

The Rise of Transaction-Based Emulation
by Bernard Murphy on 04-06-2017 at 12:00 pm

One serious challenge to the early promise of accelerating verification through emulation was that, while in theory the emulator could run very fast, options for driving and responding to that fast model were less than ideal. You could use in-circuit emulation (ICE), connecting the emulation to real hardware and allowing you… Read More

Mentor Plays for Keeps in Emulation

Mentor Plays for Keeps in Emulation
by Bernard Murphy on 02-17-2017 at 7:00 am

EDA has always been a fiercely competitive market, no more so than in emulation where the clash of claims and counter-claims can leave those of us on the sidelines wondering who’s really on top. Sales are the obvious indicator but leadership there flips back and forth between product releases. That makes Mentor’s choice to play … Read More

DVCon San Jose February 27th – March 2nd

DVCon San Jose February 27th – March 2nd
by Bernard Murphy on 02-10-2017 at 7:00 am

DVCon is fast approaching, less than 3 weeks away. As a verification geek, this must be one of my favorite conferences, so I’ll be there; you’ll see me at tutorials, presentations and wandering around the Exhibit hall. (Pictures here from the 2016 DVCon – many of the same attendees will be at this year’s conference after all :cool:)… Read More

Aspirational Congruence

Aspirational Congruence
by Bernard Murphy on 02-07-2017 at 7:00 am

When talking to suppliers about their products, conversation tends to focus heavily on what they already have and why it is the answer to every imaginable need in their space. So it’s refreshing when a vendor wants to talk about where customers want to go without claiming they already have the answer wrapped up in a bow. I recently … Read More

Who Left the Lights On?

Who Left the Lights On?
by Bernard Murphy on 01-03-2017 at 7:00 am

I attended a Mentor verification seminar earlier in the year at which Russ Klein presented a fascinating story about a real customer challenge in debugging a power problem in a design around an ARM cluster. Here’s the story in Russ’ own words. If you’re allergic to marketing stories, read it anyway. You might… Read More

3 in 1 Hardware Verification

3 in 1 Hardware Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 11-14-2016 at 12:00 pm

Aldec has offered front-end EDA tools for over 30 years but may not be a familiar name to mainstream IC design engineers. That’s probably because for most that period they haven’t really targeted IC design. They have been much more focused on PC-based design for FPGAs particularly where requirements traceability has been important,… Read More

Keeping It Fresh with the Veloce Deterministic ICE App

Keeping It Fresh with the Veloce Deterministic ICE App
by Rizwan Farooq on 11-02-2016 at 4:00 pm

In The Times They Are A Changin’ Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan advised us to “heed the call” of change or suffer the consequences. This couldn’t be more true, considering what design and verification engineers face every day in the midst of the technological revolution.

Change has never been so rapid. And it requires we constantly adapt.… Read More

Protium for the win in software development

Protium for the win in software development
by Don Dingee on 11-02-2016 at 4:00 pm

Cadence Design Systems is a long-standing provider in hardware emulation, but a relative newcomer to FPGA-based prototyping. In an upcoming lunch and learn session on November 11 in San Jose, Cadence teams will be outlining their productivity strategy. What’s different with their approach and why is this worth a lunch?… Read More

Case study illustrates 171x speed up using SCE-MI

Case study illustrates 171x speed up using SCE-MI
by Don Dingee on 10-12-2016 at 4:00 pm

As SoC design size and complexity increases, simulation alone falls farther and farther behind, even with massive cloud farms of compute resources. Hardware acceleration of simulation is becoming a must-have for many teams, but means more than just providing emulation… Read More