Ansys 2024 R2: Ansys Embedded Software Update

Ansys 2024 R2: Ansys Embedded Software Update
by Admin on 08-20-2024 at 8:59 pm

Ansys 2024 R2 Embedded Software includes several improvements to accelerate development for Automotive users.  SCADE Suite AUTOSAR Code Generator ISO 26262 certification has been re-qualified for the highest ASIL D level.

September 11, 2024



This 2024 R2 webinar provides the latest

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RISC-V embedded software gets teams coding faster

RISC-V embedded software gets teams coding faster
by Don Dingee on 06-07-2022 at 10:00 am

Nucleus RTOS

RISC-V processor IP is abundant. Open-source code for RISC-V is also widely available, but typically project-based code solves one specific problem. Using only pieces of code, it’s often up to a development team integrate a complete application-ready stack for creating an embedded device. A commercial embedded software development… Read More

Speaking about the Internet of Trust on April 21

Speaking about the Internet of Trust on April 21
by Don Dingee on 03-14-2016 at 4:00 pm

Five minutes to ruin a reputation built over 20 years, as Warren Buffett put it, holds true in personal relationships. On the Internet of Things, reputations can disappear in five seconds. How do we move from merely intelligent Things to a level where devices have to be Trusted?… Read More

Mentor ARM subscription signals ecosystem shift

Mentor ARM subscription signals ecosystem shift
by Don Dingee on 02-25-2016 at 4:00 pm

Since creating the landmark “all-you-can-eat” license with Samsung in 2002, ARM has inked several subscription deals with chipmakers and EDA firms. The latest ARM subscriber license deal just announced is for Mentor Graphics. What makes their strategy unique?… Read More

Maybe not the world, but schedules got eaten

Maybe not the world, but schedules got eaten
by Don Dingee on 01-17-2016 at 4:00 pm

It has been almost five years since Marc Andreessen wrote the words, “Software is eating the world.” The premise of his essay in the Wall Street Journal in 2011 was pretty simple: the technology world has seen its intrinsic value shift from hardware to software. New all-software names have appeared on the list of high flying companies,… Read More

5 Things Chipmakers Are Missing on the IoT

5 Things Chipmakers Are Missing on the IoT
by Don Dingee on 06-07-2015 at 7:00 pm

When the RISC movement surfaced in 1982, researchers analyzed UNIX to discover what instructions multi-user code was actually using, and then designed an instruction set and execution pipeline to do that better. Fewer instructions meant fewer transistors, which led to less power consumption – although in the original… Read More

DAC: Automotive, IP and Security

DAC: Automotive, IP and Security
by Paul McLellan on 03-21-2014 at 5:18 pm

DAC is in the first week of June in San Francisco as I’m sure you already know if you are reading this. Historically DAC has focused on electronic design automation (EDA) and embedded software and systems (ESS). This year there are three new areas: automotive, Intellectual Property (IP) and security.

Ever increasing… Read More

Running Multiple Operating Systems: Hypervisors

Running Multiple Operating Systems: Hypervisors
by Paul McLellan on 11-08-2013 at 9:19 am

How do you run multiple operating systems on the same processor? You use virtualization and you run a hypervisor underneath all the so-called “guest” operating systems. So what is virtualization?

Virtualization started with VM/370 developed in 1972 at IBM (the current version is still in use). Here is how it works.… Read More

Catch Mentor’s embedded sessions at ARM TechCon

Catch Mentor’s embedded sessions at ARM TechCon
by Beth Martin on 10-09-2013 at 9:00 am

For Halloween this year, why not tell your embedded software debug horror stories at ARM TechCon? Mentor will have several campfire sessions you should consider attending, but here my Halloween thread breaks down. These three sessions are all quite cheery.

This one, Software Debug on ARM Processors in Emulationis on using emulation… Read More

Electronic System Level: Gary Smith

Electronic System Level: Gary Smith
by Paul McLellan on 08-12-2013 at 5:07 pm

Gary Smith has been talking about how the electronic system level (ESL) is where the future of EDA lies as design teams move up to higher levels encompassing IP blocks, high level synthesis, software development using virtual platforms and so on. At DAC this year in Austin he talked about how the fact that EDA controls the modeling… Read More