How to Benchmark a Processor

How to Benchmark a Processor
by Paul McLellan on 08-15-2013 at 2:11 am

How do you benchmark a processor? It seems like it should be easy, just run some code and see how fast it is. Traditionally processors were indeed benchmarked by raw performance like GMACS, GFLOPS, memory bandwidth and so on. But in today’s world where systems have become very complex and applications very compute intensive, the… Read More

The fixed and the finite: QoR in FPGAs

The fixed and the finite: QoR in FPGAs
by Don Dingee on 07-22-2013 at 1:00 pm

There is an intriguingly amorphous term in FPGA design circles lately: Quality of Results, or QoR. Fitting a design in an FPGA is just the start – is a design optimal in real estate, throughput, power consumption, and IP reuse? Paradoxically, as FPGAs get bigger and take on bigger signal processing problems, QoR has become a larger… Read More

The DSP is dead! Long Live the DSP… IP core!

The DSP is dead! Long Live the DSP… IP core!
by Eric Esteve on 07-20-2013 at 9:05 am

Trying to trace DSP birth as a standard IC product, you come back to the early 80’s, when a certain Computer manufacturer named IBM has asked to a certain Semi-Conductor giant (at that time) named Texas Instruments if they could turn a lab concept, Digital Signal Processor, into a standard product that IBM could buy to TI, like they… Read More


by Paul McLellan on 07-19-2013 at 8:23 pm

If you have purchased a high-end cell-phone or tablet in the last couple of years it probably has LTE, although some carriers try and blur things by showing a symbol like 4G when you are in an area that has LTE despite the fact that your phone does not support it. Don’t you love cell-phone marketing? Talking of which, if a camel … Read More

IC Design for Implantable Devices Treating Epilepsy

IC Design for Implantable Devices Treating Epilepsy
by Daniel Payne on 06-09-2013 at 8:05 pm

I’m utterly amazed at how IC-based products are improving our quality of life by implantable devices. The modern day pacemaker has given people added years of life by electrically stimulating the heart. A privately-held company called NeuroPace was founded in Mountain View, California to treat epilepsy by using responsive… Read More

Video? Tensilica Has You Covered

Video? Tensilica Has You Covered
by Paul McLellan on 02-12-2013 at 2:01 am

Video is a huge growing area and advanced imaging applications are becoming ubiquitous. By “advanced” I mean more than just things like cameras in your smartphone. There is lots more coming, from high-dynamic range (HDR) photography, gesture recognition, more and more intelligent video in cars to keep us safe, … Read More

Here to make my stand, with a chipset in my hand

Here to make my stand, with a chipset in my hand
by Don Dingee on 11-16-2012 at 6:13 pm

Yesterday, I clicked “like” on a LinkedIn post with the title “TI Cuts 1,700 Jobs”. Today, I read the analysis and pulled out Social Distortion’s “Still Alive” for inspiration. I’ve been through this more than once. For them it’s not like-worthy, and I feel their sting.

The part of the post I liked was the comment: “This is good for … Read More

4 Billion CEVA powered Chips shipped

4 Billion CEVA powered Chips shipped
by Eric Esteve on 10-24-2012 at 8:34 pm

Why making the difference between chips and cores, when mentioning that CEVA’s customers have shipped four billion IC to date? Because that can make a big difference! Imagine for example an IP vendor selling processor IP cores to be used in massively parallel computing application, when the chip maker create a processor NxM matrix,… Read More

CEVA DSP Technology Symposium Series 2012

CEVA DSP Technology Symposium Series 2012
by Daniel Nenni on 09-25-2012 at 4:45 am

You are cordially invited to register to attend the CEVA DSP Technology Symposium Series 2012, which will take place in Taiwan, October 16th, China, October 18th and Israel, November 1st.

CEVA’s industry-leading experts and engineers will present a full day of lectures and seminars where you will learn about the latest technological… Read More

A Brief History of Tensilica

A Brief History of Tensilica
by Daniel Nenni on 09-08-2012 at 7:00 pm

In the late 1990s, a change was going on in chip design. Companies had moved to system-on-chip design, which incorporated a general-purpose control processor plus blocks of logic (often called RTL) to do the hard tasks that the general-purpose processor couldn’t handle.

These blocks of logic were becoming a huge problem because… Read More