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ARM and a LEGby Paul McLellan on 11-01-2012 at 5:09 pmCategories: Arm, IP
I went to Warren East’s keynote speech at ARM Techcon today. There had been some hints earlier in the week that some significant announcements would be made and, while they were not earth-shattering, I think that they will be significant in the long term.
One interesting thing that Warren pointed out is that the ARM partner… Read More
ARM TechCon Software and Systems Keynote: Why Ultra-Low Power Computing Will Change Everything Simon Segars, speaking of the importance of continuing low power initiatives, introduced Dr. Jonathan Koomey, Consulting Professor at Stanford. (First impression, our kind of guy: He wears engineer shoes, not sales shoes!)
Koomey… Read More
At CES 2011, Steven Sinofsky of Microsoft stepped on the stage and went off the map of proven Windows territory. Announcing the next version of Windows would support the ARM Architecture, including SoCs from Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and TI, set a new course for Microsoft.
But Windows, being the battleship-sized behemoth that it is, would… Read More
An announcement at the ARM conference was of a joint project to tape out an ARM Cortex-M0 in IBM’s 14nm FinFET process. In fact they taped out 3 different versions of the chip using different routing architectures to see the impact on yield.
This was the first 14nm ARM tapeout, it seems. I’m sure Intel has built plenty … Read More
ARM 64-bitby Paul McLellan on 10-30-2012 at 6:56 pmCategories: Arm, IP
AMD announced yesterday that they would be building 64-bit ARM-based chips intended for use in servers. What was unclear is what the processors would be like. Although ARM had announced that they would move into 64-bit processors they didn’t have any that they had actually announced as being available for licensing.
At … Read More
Intel announced its quarterly results a couple of days ago. They had previously downgraded 3rd quarter sales estimates but they managed to beat the downgraded numbers. If you look at the transcript of the call (I didn’t listen live) you’ll see very little mention of mobile and Atom. This is bad news for Intel. Its core… Read More
At the annual Linley Processor Conference this past week a number of chip vendors proposed a raft of new networking solutions directed at solving today’s bandwidth issues. Perhaps the overall highlight of the conference was the recognition by Keynote Speaker Linley Gwennap of the shift that is taking place towards ARM based solutions.… Read More
A small blurb last week announced that Apple had hired Jim Mergard away from Samsung after just 15 months on the job. Previously to that he was a 16-year AMD veteran who headed up their low power x86 Brazos processor team. In near synchronicity, AMD hired Famed Apple Designer Jim Keller to be its chief microprocessor architect. When… Read More
I was at the Linley Processor Conference yesterday. There are two of these each year, one focused on mobile and this one, focused on networking and communications (so routers, base-stations and the like). You probably know that ARM is pretty dominant in mobile handsets (and Intel is trying to get a toe-hold although I’m skeptical… Read More
The TSMC Open Innovation Platform® (OIP) Ecosystem Forum brings TSMC’s design ecosystem member companies together to share with our customers real-case solutions for customers’ design challenges and success stories of best practice in TSMC’s design ecosystem.
More than 90% of the attendees last year said “this… Read More