Intel 4 Deep Dive

Intel 4 Deep Dive
by Scotten Jones on 06-13-2022 at 6:00 am

Figure 1

As I previously wrote about here, Intel is presenting their Intel 4 process at the VLSI Technology conference. Last Wednesday Bernhard Sell (Ben) from Intel gave the press a briefing on the process and provided us with early access to the paper (embargoed until Sunday 6/12).

“Intel 4 CMOS Technology Featuring Advanced FinFET TransistorsRead More

Intel to present Intel 4 process at the VLSI Technology Symposium

Intel to present Intel 4 process at the VLSI Technology Symposium
by Scotten Jones on 05-20-2022 at 8:00 am

VLSI Symposium 2022 SemiWiki 1

The VLSI Symposium on Technology & Circuits will be held in Hawaii from June 12th to June 17th. You can register for the conference here.

The tip sheet for the conference has been released and one thing that caught my eye is some data from the Intel 4 paper that Intel will be presenting at the conference.

Intel’s old roadmap had 14nm,… Read More

The EUV Divide and Intel Foundry Services

The EUV Divide and Intel Foundry Services
by Scotten Jones on 03-23-2022 at 10:00 am

Intel IDM 2.0 Process Roadmap
The EUV Divide

I was recently updating an analysis I did last year that looked at EUV system supply and demand, while doing this I started thinking about Intel and their Fab portfolio.

If you look at Intel’s history as a microprocessor manufacturer, they are typically ramping up their newest process node (n), in volume production… Read More

APR Tool Gets a Speed Boost and Uses Less RAM

APR Tool Gets a Speed Boost and Uses Less RAM
by Daniel Payne on 10-18-2021 at 10:00 am


Automatic Place and Route (APR) tools have been around since the 1980s for IC design teams to use, and before that routing was done manually by very patient layout designers. Initially the big IDMs had their own internal CAD groups coding APR tools in house, but eventually the commercial EDA market picked up this automation area,… Read More

Intel Accelerated

Intel Accelerated
by Scotten Jones on 07-27-2021 at 6:00 am

Intel Process Name Decoder

Intel presented yesterday on their plans for process technology and packaging over the next several years. This was the most detailed roadmap Intel has ever laid out. In this write up I will analyze Intel’s process announcement and how they match up with their competitors.

10nm Super Fin (SF)

10nm is now in volume production in three… Read More

IEDM 2019 – IBM and Leti

IEDM 2019 – IBM and Leti
by Scotten Jones on 01-08-2020 at 6:00 am


IBM and Leti each presented several papers at IEDM including a joint nanosheet paper. I had the opportunity to sit down with Huiming Bu, director of advanced logic & memory tech and Veeraraghavan Basker, senior engineer from IBM and then in a separate interview Francois Andrieu, head of advanced CMOS laboratory and Shay Reboh,… Read More

Samsung Details Foundry Roadmap

Samsung Details Foundry Roadmap
by Scotten Jones on 06-09-2017 at 10:00 am

Samsung recently held a meeting where they laid out a detailed roadmap for their foundry business. On Tuesday June 1st, Daniel Nenni and myself had an interview with Kelvin Low, senior director of foundry marketing and business development to discuss the details of Samsung’s plans.… Read More