No! TSMC does not Make 90% of Advanced Silicon

No! TSMC does not Make 90% of Advanced Silicon
by Scotten Jones on 03-11-2024 at 2:00 pm


Throughout the debate on fab incentives and the Chips Act I keep seeing comments like; TSMC makes >90% of all advanced silicon, or sometimes Taiwan make >90% of all advanced silicon. This kind of ill-defined and grossly inaccurate statement drives me crazy. I just saw someone make that same claim in the SemiWiki forums and… Read More

Can Intel Catch TSMC in 2025?

Can Intel Catch TSMC in 2025?
by Scotten Jones on 04-11-2022 at 6:00 am


At the ISS conference held from April 4th through 6th I presented on who I thought would have the leading logic technology in 2025. The following is a write up of that presentation.

ISS was a virtual conference in 2021 and I presented on who currently had logic leadership and declared TSMC the clear leader. Following that conference,… Read More

Intel 2022 Investor Meeting

Intel 2022 Investor Meeting
by Scotten Jones on 02-21-2022 at 6:00 am

Figure 1 Process Innovations

Last Thursday Intel held their investors meeting, in this write up I wanted to focus on my areas of coverage/expertise, process technology and manufacturing.

Technology Development presented by Ann Kelleher

Last year Intel presented their Intel Accelerated plan and, in this meeting, we got a review of where Intel stands on that… Read More

Intel Accelerated

Intel Accelerated
by Scotten Jones on 07-27-2021 at 6:00 am

Intel Process Name Decoder

Intel presented yesterday on their plans for process technology and packaging over the next several years. This was the most detailed roadmap Intel has ever laid out. In this write up I will analyze Intel’s process announcement and how they match up with their competitors.

10nm Super Fin (SF)

10nm is now in volume production in three… Read More

Heterogeneous Chiplets Design and Integration

Heterogeneous Chiplets Design and Integration
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-28-2021 at 6:00 am

Transistor Cost per Billion 3nm Projection

Over the recent years, the volume and velocity of discussions relating to chiplets have intensified. A major reason for this is the projected market opportunity. According to research firm Omdia, chiplets driven market is expected to be $6B by 2024 from just $645M in 2018. That’s an impressive nine-fold projected increase over… Read More

Is IBM’s 2nm Announcement Actually a 2nm Node?

Is IBM’s 2nm Announcement Actually a 2nm Node?
by Scotten Jones on 05-09-2021 at 6:00 am


IBM has announced the development of a 2nm process.

IBM Announcement

What was announced:

  • “2nm”
  • 50 billion transistors in a “thumbnail” sized area later disclosed to be 150mm2 = 333 million transistors per millimeter (MTx/mm2).
  • 44nm Contacted Poly Pitch (CPP) with 12nm gate length.
  • Gate All Around (GAA), there are several ways
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Intel’s IDM 2.0

Intel’s IDM 2.0
by Scotten Jones on 03-24-2021 at 4:00 am

Slide1 1

In January I presented at the ISS conference a comparison of Intel’s, Samsung’s and TSMC’s leading edge offerings. You can read a write-up of my presentation here.

With the problems going on at Intel, that article generated a lot of interest in the investment community, and I have been holding a lot of calls with analysts who are trying… Read More

Intel Node Names

Intel Node Names
by Scotten Jones on 02-15-2021 at 6:00 am


There is a lot of interest right now in how Intel compares to the leading foundries and what the future may hold.

Several years ago, I published several extremely popular articles converting processes from various companies to “Equivalent Nodes” (EN). Nodes were at one time based on actual physical features of processes but had… Read More

ISS 2021 – Scotten W. Jones – Logic Leadership in the PPAC era

ISS 2021 – Scotten W. Jones – Logic Leadership in the PPAC era
by Scotten Jones on 01-15-2021 at 6:00 am


I was asked to give a talk at the 2021 ISS conference and the following is a write up of the talk.

The title of the talk is “Logic Leadership in the PPAC era”.

The talk is broken up into three main sections:

  1. Background information explaining PPAC and Standard Cells.
  2. A node-by-node comparisons of companies running leading edge logic
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Leading Edge Foundry Wafer Prices

Leading Edge Foundry Wafer Prices
by Scotten Jones on 11-06-2020 at 6:00 am


I have seen several articles recently discussing foundry wafer selling prices for leading edge wafers, these articles all quote estimates from a paper by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET). The paper is available here.

My company IC Knowledge LLC is the world leader in cost and price modeling of semiconductors… Read More