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Webinar: “Navigating our AI Wonderland” … with humans-in-the-Loop?

Webinar: “Navigating our AI Wonderland” … with humans-in-the-Loop?
by Richard Curtin on 12-06-2023 at 8:00 am

AI is here, there, and absolutely everywhere – now and forever.

The electronics industry, and the world at-large, have experienced an overwhelming amount of AI coverage this year, with no letup in store for 2024. Both EE Times and Silicon Catalyst have recently staged events around artificial intelligence:

  • AI Everywhere” delivered via a series of web sessions

AIeverywhere EETimes

Video Replay

  • “Welcome to our AI Wonderland” – The 6th Annual Semiconductor Industry Forum:
SiliconCatalyst Forum6 PanelStage B
(l to r) David French, Moshe Gavrielov, Dierdre Hanford, Ivo Bolsens

Video Replay

Article write-up:


Although these events covered the fundamental technical and business aspects of AI, the critical societal impacts of AI were only briefly mentioned. As a result, EE Times and Silicon Catalyst decided to team up and host a follow-on event that was held last week, to delve into the “bigger picture” aspects of how AI will shape our lives. Or as Geoffrey Hinton, cited as the godfather of AI stated,  Humanity is at a turning point with AI”.

AI scale

You can appreciate that today’s coverage of the AI segment is an interesting and rapidly changing storyline and balancing act:

  • Looking at the safety aspects of AI, and all the issues that come up in terms of the AI-angst generated. Clearly the recent AI-related events are extremely relevant, starting with the pedestrian incident associated with Cruise, the autonomous vehicle company, and also the palace intrigue that took place at OpenAI. What impact will regulatory oversight have on innovation?
  • On the other side of the scale, one needs to understand the financial impact of AI, in both the private and public markets, for electronics industry investment opportunities. Needless to say, I don’t have to remind everyone about the envy that a lot of organizations and investors (private and institutional) now have about Nvidia’s position in the market; with their tremendous YoY sales growth, > 80% AI processor market share and almost 250% YTD stock price increase.

We encourage you to view the joint EE Times and Silicon Catalyst webinar, to get a sense of our rapidly evolving AI landscape, to understand the current state of our industry and how regulatory oversight and investment decisions need to take into account the impact on humanity. The webinar panel was moderated by Nitin Dahad of EE Times, joined by:

  • Jama Adams, COO, Responsible Innovation Labs rilabs.org
  • Navin Chaddha, Managing Partner, Mayfield mayfield.com
  • Rohit Israni, Chair AI Standards, US (INCITS/ANSI) incits.org

Quoting Navin Chaddha from Mayfield, in his closing webinar remarks:

“I think it’s great time to start a company and do it in a balanced way.

So that you do well financially, but also do good for the world.”

Video Replay

About Silicon Catalyst

Silicon Catalyst is the world’s only incubator focused exclusively on accelerating semiconductor solutions, built on a comprehensive coalition of in-kind and strategic partners to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of development. More than 1000 startup companies worldwide have engaged with Silicon Catalyst and the company has admitted 100 exciting companies. With a world-class network of mentors to advise startups, Silicon Catalyst is helping new semiconductor companies address the challenges in moving from idea to realization. The incubator + accelerator supplies startups with access to design tools, silicon devices, networking, and a path to funding, banking and marketing acumen to successfully launch and grow their companies’ novel technology solutions.

Also Read:

Silicon Catalyst Welcomes You to Our “AI Wonderland”

McKinsey & Company Shines a Light on Domain Specific Architectures

A Look at the Winners of the Silicon Catalyst/Arm Silicon Startups Contest

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