Keysight webinar 800x100
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Chip side of the Open Interconnect Consortium

Chip side of the Open Interconnect Consortium
by Don Dingee on 07-09-2014 at 9:00 pm

Maybe it’s my competitive analysis gene, or too many years spent hanging out with consortium types, but I’m always both curious and skeptical when a new consortium arises – especially in a crowded field of interest. The dynamics of who aligns with a new initiative, and how they plan to go to market compared to other entities, prompts… Read More

Take a drive on the IoT with V2V

Take a drive on the IoT with V2V
by Bill Boldt on 07-08-2014 at 11:00 pm

What platform has become the most sophisticated and intimate personal electronic environment ever? The car. To paraphrase a famous automotive company’s top executive, car companies are transforming the car into a powerful smartphone that allows drivers to carry around, customize, and interact with their digital world. AutomotiveRead More

Intel Custom Foundry Explained!

Intel Custom Foundry Explained!
by Daniel Nenni on 07-07-2014 at 7:00 pm

The exciting news is that Intel landed their first big SoC customer with Panasonic’s System LSI Business Division. These 14nm SoCs will be targeted to audio visual equipment markets. The significance here to me is that Intel not only has a big SoC customer, Intel now has a non-Silicon Valley based foundry customer. It is critical… Read More

The Grand Folly of India’s Foundry Plans

The Grand Folly of India’s Foundry Plans
by Peter Gasperini on 07-06-2014 at 10:10 am

At the beginning of the year, New Delhi’s outgoing government launched an initiative purported to drive the nation’s technology independence and reduce the current account deficit on electronics imports. The initiative describes a partnership between New Delhi and two industrial consortiums for the building of semiconductor… Read More

Fantasy Tech-Ball and the Intel Rumor Wire

Fantasy Tech-Ball and the Intel Rumor Wire
by Don Dingee on 07-06-2014 at 9:00 am

Reading Intel analysis lately has been a lot like reading fantasy baseball analysis. Intel should buy Altera. Intel should waive Atom. Intel should fab for Apple. All of those have a near-zero probability of happening IMHO, and yet pundits continue to pitch their version of alternate reality, dealing away product lines and strategies… Read More

The Great 28nm Debacle!

The Great 28nm Debacle!
by Daniel Nenni on 07-06-2014 at 9:00 am

40nm was a big node while I was Director of Foundries at the IP company Virage Logic which was later acquired by Synopsys. 40nm was big because the top fabless companies multi-sourced designs from one foundry to another with relative ease to get the best wafer prices. It was also the node where some of the big IDMs went fab-lite moving… Read More

GlobalFoundries Goes to Semicon West

GlobalFoundries Goes to Semicon West
by Paul McLellan on 07-04-2014 at 8:38 pm

Next week it is Semicon West, the big equipment vendor tradeshow. I love to go since EDA and semiconductor and all the stuff we are interested in here at Semiwiki are driven by equipment capabilities, especially lithography. The highest viewed blogs I write tend to be ones on technologies that are just a bit out beyond the stuff people… Read More

Is this thing real? Symmetric authentication will tell you!

Is this thing real? Symmetric authentication will tell you!
by Bill Boldt on 07-01-2014 at 6:00 pm

The act of authentication is very straightforward. Essentially, it is making sure that something is real.

There are two parts to authentication:


  • Identification
  • Confirmation of identity

    Authentication in the “crypto-verse” typically happens on a host and client basis where the host wants to ensure that a client is

  • Read More

    The Intel Resurgence?

    The Intel Resurgence?
    by Daniel Nenni on 06-30-2014 at 8:00 am

    There is an interesting article on Seeking Alpha about Intel. Interesting because it is written by someone with both fabless semiconductor experience and a talent for strategic thinking. It’s a good read and like most Seeking Aplha semiconductor articles the comments are hilarious. Give the guy a penny and click over HERE, he … Read More

    What Seeking Alpha is Telling us about Intel

    What Seeking Alpha is Telling us about Intel
    by Daniel Nenni on 06-25-2014 at 9:00 am

    New Media is a double edged sword for sure. The good news is that you get to read articles by people who actually work in the semiconductor industry. The bad news is that hidden agendas and disinformation abound so let the reader beware, especially if that reader is risking their retirement money!

    As I mentioned before, “Understand… Read More