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TSMC Delivers First FinFET ARM Based SoC!

TSMC Delivers First FinFET ARM Based SoC!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-25-2014 at 9:00 am

Right on cue, TSMC announces 16nm FinFET production silicon. I believe this is the original version of FinFET versus 16FF+ which is due out in 1H 2015. I will confirm this next week at the TSMC OIP event in San Jose, absolutely. Either way this is excellent news for the fabless semiconductor ecosystem and I look forward to the first … Read More

Atmel Expands Wireless Portfolio

Atmel Expands Wireless Portfolio
by Paul McLellan on 09-25-2014 at 7:00 am

Recently someone described the Internet of Things (IoT) as being the semiconductor classification that we used to call ‘other’. It’s a nice line but actually I think IoT really is something different from what we were already doing before. Although it is a market that cuts across medical, automotive, home-electronics,… Read More

The TSMC iPhone 6!

The TSMC iPhone 6!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-23-2014 at 7:00 am

Fortunately Paul McLellan and I missed IDF. Paul was atop Mt. Kilimanjaro and I was in Taiwan signing books. After reviewing the materials and watching the videos we really didn’t miss much in regards to mobile so no regrets. The Apple event would have been fun even though I won’t be buying an iPhone6 or an iWatch and I will tell you why.… Read More

Samsung 14nm FinFET Design with Cadence Tools

Samsung 14nm FinFET Design with Cadence Tools
by Daniel Payne on 09-22-2014 at 5:30 pm

The first consumer products with 20nm processing are arriving in 2014 like the 2 billion transistor A8 chip in the iPhone 6, however at the 14nm node there are new designs underway to continue the trend of Moore’s Law. To get a better feel for the challenges of designing with 14nm FinFET technology I watched a 23 minute video … Read More

Intel’s 35% Density Advantage Claim Explored

Intel’s 35% Density Advantage Claim Explored
by Daniel Nenni on 09-20-2014 at 1:00 pm

The previous blog I did on the density difference between Intel 14nm and TSMC 20nm caused quite a stir and many interesting comments which I would like to address. After writing thousands of blogs on a wide variety of topics I have found that playing the devil’s advocate stimulates the most productive conversations and in this case… Read More

GlobalFoundries on the Road

GlobalFoundries on the Road
by Paul McLellan on 09-17-2014 at 5:12 pm

Every year in the fall GlobalFoundries has a series of technical seminars they take on the road around the US. This year it kicks off on Tuesday, October 21 at the Doubletree Hotel in San Jose. Two days later it is at Dana Point (southern CA) and on the 30th it goes to Austin (you don’t need me to tell you where Austin is, I’m… Read More

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Acquires IBM Semiconductor Unit!

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Acquires IBM Semiconductor Unit!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-17-2014 at 9:01 am

I have it on pretty good authority that IBM has in fact come to terms with GLOBALFOUNDRIES on the sale of their semiconductor business. For those of you who have been following the story, especially the IBM semiconductor people, it has been a real roller coaster ride. If in fact this handshake deal goes through (expect a public announcement… Read More

Intel Core M vs Apple A8!

Intel Core M vs Apple A8!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-14-2014 at 10:00 am

There were two big announcements last week right in my backyard and I missed them both! Instead, I was in Taiwan investigating yet another big development and all three of these events will intersect next year, absolutely.

At IDF in San Francisco Intel outlined the new 14nm Core M. This is an impressive CPU, one that will fill the now… Read More

Intel CEO Misinformed on the Foundry Business

Intel CEO Misinformed on the Foundry Business
by Daniel Nenni on 09-09-2014 at 7:00 am

At the Citi Global Technology Conference last week Intel (INTC) CEO Brian Krzanich made some comments about the foundry business that I found quite misinformed. It will be interesting to see if this theme is repeated during the foundry presentations at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco this week:

Intel is presenting twoRead More

What Does Intel Look Like 10 Years From Now?

What Does Intel Look Like 10 Years From Now?
by Daniel Nenni on 09-08-2014 at 7:00 am

Intel (INTC) CEO Brian Krzanich keynoted the Citi Global Technology Conference last week. This was a precursor to the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco this week. Normally these types of events are scripted dog and pony shows but sometimes interesting information comes out. The first question for example:

What does IntelRead More