Keysight webinar 800x100
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Arm Inches Up the Infrastructure Value Chain

Arm Inches Up the Infrastructure Value Chain
by Bernard Murphy on 08-30-2023 at 6:00 am

Arm just revealed at HotChips their compute subsystems (CSS) direction led by CSS N2. The intent behind CSS is to provide pre-integrated, optimized and validated subsystems to accelerate time to market for infrastructure system builders. Think HPC servers, wireless infrastructure, big edge systems for industry, city, enterprise… Read More

The First TSMC CEO James E. Dykes

The First TSMC CEO James E. Dykes
by Daniel Nenni on 08-25-2023 at 6:00 am

James Dykes TSMC CEO (1)

Most people ( including ChatGPT) think Morris Chang was the first TSMC CEO but it was in fact Jim Dykes, a very interesting character in the semiconductor industry.

According to his eulogy: Jim came from the humblest of beginnings, easily sharing that he grew up in a house without running water and never had a bed of his own. But because… Read More

How Intel, Samsung and TSMC are Changing the World

How Intel, Samsung and TSMC are Changing the World
by Mike Gianfagna on 08-21-2023 at 10:00 am

How Intel, Samsung and TSMC are Changing the World

Given the changes in the music business, the term “Rock Star” doesn’t really have any relevance to music or its performers anymore.  Instead, we use the term to describe leaders, innovators and generally people or organizations of great significance. In the world of semiconductors, the designers of advanced chips were the rock… Read More

How Philips Saved TSMC

How Philips Saved TSMC
by Daniel Nenni on 08-21-2023 at 6:00 am

TSMC Philips

TSMC and Philips have deep historical ties. In fact, TSMC may not have existed without Philips. In the 1980s TSMC was established as a joint venture with Philips Electronics, the government of Taiwan, and other private investors. Several semiconductor companies were approached by Morris Chang for funding including semiconductor… Read More

Morris Chang’s Journey to Taiwan and TSMC

Morris Chang’s Journey to Taiwan and TSMC
by Daniel Nenni on 08-14-2023 at 6:00 am

Morris Chang 2023

High volume manufacturing is a 24/7 business with 12 hour shifts. You don’t always get to pick the shifts you want and you must cover for others when they can’t. It’s a challenging career and not for the faint of heart like myself.

In the 1980s and 1990s I spent time in Japan working with some of the top Japanese semiconductor manufacturers.… Read More

How Taiwan Saved the Semiconductor Industry

How Taiwan Saved the Semiconductor Industry
by Daniel Nenni on 08-07-2023 at 6:00 am

Taiwan USA

Now that semiconductors are front page news and a political football, I would like to write more about how we got to where we are today to better understand where semiconductors will go tomorrow. I will start this article with a provocative quote that really made me laugh and will put some context to what I am trying to accomplish here:… Read More

Intel Enables the Multi-Die Revolution with Packaging Innovation

Intel Enables the Multi-Die Revolution with Packaging Innovation
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-24-2023 at 6:00 am

Intel Enables the Multi Die Revolution with Packaging Innovation

The trend is undeniable. Highly integrated monolithic chips can no longer handle the demands of next-generation systems. The reasons for this significant shift in design are many. Much has been written on the topic; you can get a good overview of the forces at play in multi-die design here. These changes represent the next chapter… Read More

TSMC Redefines Foundry to Enable Next-Generation Products

TSMC Redefines Foundry to Enable Next-Generation Products
by Mike Gianfagna on 06-30-2023 at 6:00 am

TSMC Redefines Foundry to Enable Next Generation Products

For many years, monolithic chips defined semiconductor innovation. New microprocessors defined new markets, as did new graphics processors, and cell-phone chips. Getting to the next node was the goal, and when the foundry shipped a working part victory was declared. As we know, this is changing. Semiconductor innovation is… Read More

Samsung Foundry on Track for 2nm Production in 2025

Samsung Foundry on Track for 2nm Production in 2025
by Daniel Nenni on 06-27-2023 at 3:00 pm

Samsung Foundry Forum 2023

On the heels of the TSMC Symposium and the Intel Foundry update, Samsung held their Foundry Forum today live in Silicon Valley. As usual it was a well attended event with hundreds of people and dozens of ecosystem partners. The theme was the AI Era which is appropriate. As I have mentioned before, AI will touch most every chip and there… Read More