Keysight webinar 800x100
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Can Japan Regain Semiconductor Leadership?

Can Japan Regain Semiconductor Leadership?
by Paul McLellan on 02-25-2013 at 1:14 pm

In the 1980s, Japan was seen as the leader in the semiconductor industry. Their quality was higher, especially in memories, and the US was worried about falling behind. In fact Sematech was created in 1987 by the US government and a consortium of 14 US-based semiconductor companies primarily to pool investment on common problems… Read More

The New "Mobile Foundry" Era: Whose Wheelhouse?

The New "Mobile Foundry" Era: Whose Wheelhouse?
by Ed McKernan on 02-25-2013 at 1:12 pm

Nothing seems to raise the Visceral Ire of Semiwiki readers like the two words: Intel and Foundry. To get maximum steam coming out of the ears make sure you combine the two words in a sentence. Something along the lines like: Intel is Now Going to be a Leader in the Foundry Business. Pause…..Ok catch your breadth and now let’s move on … Read More

How Can You Work Better with Your Foundry?

How Can You Work Better with Your Foundry?
by glforte on 02-22-2013 at 5:40 pm

The fabless revolution in the digital semiconductor industry is no more, with just a few integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) remaining on the playing field, it is now the normal way to do business. However, the learning curve for each new process node continues as it always has, with a host of new technical challenges for the … Read More

Intel’s x86 – Foundry Breakup Comes into View

Intel’s x86 – Foundry Breakup Comes into View
by Ed McKernan on 02-21-2013 at 12:46 am

The announcement by Intel during their January earnings call that they were going to hike Capex in 2013 over 2012 left many folks scrambling as to the reasons and the what-the hecks? Here was a company that was exiting 2012 with 50% utilization of their advanced 22nm process and yet signaling more building was to come. Furthermore,… Read More

TSMC ♥ Cadence

TSMC ♥ Cadence
by Daniel Nenni on 02-19-2013 at 11:00 am

In a shocking move TSMC now favors Cadence over Synopsys! Okay, not so shocking, especially after the Synopsys acquisitions of Magma, Ciranova, SpringSoft, and the resulting product consolidations. Not shocking to me at all since my day job is Strategic Foundry Relationships for emerging EDA, IP, and fabless companies.

Rick… Read More

Want 10nm Wafers? That’ll Cost You

Want 10nm Wafers? That’ll Cost You
by Paul McLellan on 02-10-2013 at 9:01 pm

As you know, I’ve been a bit of a bear about what is happening to wafer costs at 20nm and below. At the Common Platform Technology Forum last week there were a number of people talking about this in presentations and at Harvey Jones’s “fireside chat”.

At the press lunch I asked about this. There are obviously… Read More

Please Help Me Understand IBM – Common Platform Technology Forum 2013

Please Help Me Understand IBM – Common Platform Technology Forum 2013
by Zvi on 02-08-2013 at 11:00 pm

“Innovations for Next Generation Scaling”

The 2013 Forum today (Feb 5, 2013) started with a presentation by Dr. Gary Patton, VP, IBM Semiconductor Research & Development Center. Gary very clearly articulated the two irresolvable challenges the industry now faces:

  • On chip interconnect
  • Lithography

These … Read More

Apple and Samsung Do It Again

Apple and Samsung Do It Again
by Paul McLellan on 02-07-2013 at 11:54 pm

The numbers are starting to come in for how everyone did in Q4. According to Cannacord Genuity, Apple made 69% of the profit and Samsung made 34%. What do you notice about those numbers? They add up to more than 100%. HTC supposedly made 1% of the profit and everyone else either broke even or lost money. Basically Apple and Samsung have… Read More

ARMs in the Clouds

ARMs in the Clouds
by Paul McLellan on 02-07-2013 at 7:10 pm

The most interesting session at the Linley Tech Data Center Conference last week was the last one, on Designing Power Efficient Servers. What this was really about was whether ARM would have any success in the server market and what Intel’s response might be.

Datacenters are now very focused on power efficiency and many track… Read More

Notes from Common Platform: Collaborate or Die

Notes from Common Platform: Collaborate or Die
by Beth Martin on 02-07-2013 at 2:16 pm

FinFETs are hot, carbon nanotubes are cool, and collaboration is the key to continued semiconductor scaling. These were the main messages at the 2013 Common Platform Technology Forum in Santa Clara.

The collaboration message ran through most presenations, like the afternoon talk by Subi Kengeri of GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Joe Sawicki… Read More