Multi Die Webinar 800x100 High Quality

DAC: Finding Somewhere to Eat

DAC: Finding Somewhere to Eat
by Paul McLellan on 05-13-2012 at 3:00 pm

I am not going to attempt to give you any restaurant advice beyond what I’ve already done by listing the good places near the conference center. San Francisco reputedly has over 3000 restaurants so I don’t know anything about more than a tiny fraction. However, with that many restaurants, most places are pretty good. If not, they … Read More

Intel Foundry All Hat No Cattle?

Intel Foundry All Hat No Cattle?
by Daniel Nenni on 05-12-2012 at 12:19 am

If you look real close at the #49 DAC floor plan you will see the tiny Intel booth dwarfed by those of TSMC, GlobalFoundries, Samsung, and ARM. The number one semiconductor company in the world does not have the budget for the cornerstone conference of the semiconductor ecosystem? Oh my…… Intel has a big foundry hat and no cattle… Read More

Hardware Configuration Management at DAC 2012

Hardware Configuration Management at DAC 2012
by Daniel Payne on 05-11-2012 at 4:54 pm

Next month at DAC I plan to visit the ClioSoft booth to get an update on what’s new with hardware configuration management (HCM). Last year I met with Srinath Anantharaman to get an introduction to their company and how their tools are used by both front-end engineers and back-end IC layout designers.

Srinath Anantharaman,Read More

♫ If you are going to San Francisco, be sure to….

♫ If you are going to San Francisco, be sure to….
by Paul McLellan on 05-10-2012 at 8:00 pm

Well, you can wear flowers in your hair if you like, but it is a bit sixties. However, here are some things that I do recommend that you be sure to do.

Some of these recommendations require you to find a given numbered pier. The Ferry Building at the end of Market Street is effectively pier 0. Odd numbers go north (including pier 1½ ). Even… Read More

DAC: Chevy Volt Teardown

DAC: Chevy Volt Teardown
by Paul McLellan on 05-10-2012 at 7:03 pm

One DAC panel session that I am looking forward to attending is the Chevy Volt Teardown. This takes place at 1.30-2.30pm on Tuesday June 5th at the DAC pavilion (aka booth 310). Al Speier will be talking about a teardown that they did at Munro Associates where he is a senior associate. Unfortunately they won’t actually be tearing… Read More

RTDA at DAC: Scale to Millions of Jobs

RTDA at DAC: Scale to Millions of Jobs
by Paul McLellan on 05-10-2012 at 7:00 pm

RTDA is all about enterprise level scalability. Their three main products all scale to be able to handle the most demanding needs of large companies with large farms of servers. Of course there are some new refinements too.

LicenseMonitor can scale to 70,000 simultaneous checkouts with 1 billion checkout records in the database.… Read More

Only slight growth in 2012 semiconductor market

Only slight growth in 2012 semiconductor market
by Bill Jewell on 05-09-2012 at 11:24 pm

The world semiconductor market declined 2.2% in 1Q 2012 from 4Q 2011, according to WSTS. The market ended 2011 on a down slide, with 4Q 2011 down 7.7% from 3Q 2011. The year 2011 semiconductor market was up only 0.4%.

Three major events contributed to the weakness in 2011:


  • March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan disrupted
  • Read More

    Apple Games Qualcomm’s 28nm Supply for Labor Day iPhone 5 Launch

    Apple Games Qualcomm’s 28nm Supply for Labor Day iPhone 5 Launch
    by Ed McKernan on 05-09-2012 at 11:17 pm

    You can see a lot just by looking – as Yogi Berra was quoted as saying. The past two weeks we have seen quite a bit that adds intrigue to the true nature of Qualcomm’s 28nm product shortage and how the effects will ripple through the mobile industry for the second half of 2012. Samsung’s bold announcement of their Galaxy S III smartphones… Read More

    Atrenta at DAC: Fast Lint, IP Kit and More

    Atrenta at DAC: Fast Lint, IP Kit and More
    by Paul McLellan on 05-09-2012 at 7:03 pm

    Atrenta will have a new look this year at DAC. I’m not quite sure what that means but we’ll all just have to go along and find out.

    They have three users talking about their use of Atrenta’s tools. All 3 of these presentations are in the user-track poster session on Tuesday June 5th 12.30-1.30pm in room 105 (which … Read More