Primarius 2B

Crossfire – Your partner for IP development, what’s new?

Crossfire – Your partner for IP development, what’s new?
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-21-2014 at 4:00 pm

As the SoCs and IPs grow in sizes and complexities, the number of formats, databases, libraries of standard cells and IOs also increase. It becomes a clumsy task to check every cell in a library, its consistency among various format with respect to functionality, timing, naming, labels and so on, and its complex physical properties… Read More

Synopsys Earnings

Synopsys Earnings
by Paul McLellan on 08-21-2014 at 12:00 pm

The perfect quarterly results are to slightly beat the consensus for earnings and profit, and not say anything negative about guidance for the upcoming quarter. Synopsys delivered all that with their latest quarter yesterday. Revenue was $521M versus $483M last year, giving solid growth of over 8%. Non-GAAP earnings per share… Read More

Develop High Performance Machine Vision in the Blink of an Eye

Develop High Performance Machine Vision in the Blink of an Eye
by Paul McLellan on 08-21-2014 at 7:01 am

The growing capabilities of silicon along with improved algorithms means that machine vision is becoming increasingly important since more and more systems can be built in such areas as manufacturing, intelligent traffic management, bar code scanning, counterfeit detection and even sports simulation. Is that a 3X driver?… Read More

Substrate coupling analysis method and tool

Substrate coupling analysis method and tool
by Jean-Francois Debroux on 08-20-2014 at 4:00 pm

There has been a lot written on this topic, and some expensive tools proposed to solve this issue, but it is still a concern and a mystery for many designers. The point is that whatever efforts you do, the substrate is common to an entire chip and can cause some undesired coupling if not managed properly and at an early stage. As a start… Read More

EDA Ice Bucket Challenge!

EDA Ice Bucket Challenge!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-20-2014 at 7:00 am

In case you have not heard, the Ice Bucket Challenge is a social media program aiming to increase the awareness of ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AKA Lou Gehrig’s Disease). One of our neighbors recently passed away as a result of ALS so this challenge is dedicated to Barbara Letts. After hearing about the challenge my daughter… Read More

Silvaco News: Silicon Valley, China and Korea

Silvaco News: Silicon Valley, China and Korea
by Paul McLellan on 08-20-2014 at 3:00 am

Silvaco is one of the sponsors of the GSA Executive Forum to be held over in VC Land at the Rosewood Sand Hill on September 10th. Note that it starts at 11.45am with a networking lunch.

  • The featured keynote speakers are Fareed Zakariah and Rana Faroohar, both of CNN. Rana is also Senior Managing Editor of Time.
  • The first panel session
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USB 3.0 IP on FinFET may stop port pinching

USB 3.0 IP on FinFET may stop port pinching
by Don Dingee on 08-19-2014 at 5:00 pm

Sometimes a standard is a victim of its own success, at least for a while as the economics catch up to the technology. When a standard like USB 3.0 is announced, with a substantial performance increase over USB 2.0, some of the use cases come on board right away. Others, where vendors enjoy a decent ROI with good-enough performance,… Read More

Vlang – Opportunities Galore for Productivity & Performance

Vlang – Opportunities Galore for Productivity & Performance
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-19-2014 at 2:01 pm

Yes, verification technologies are open to innovation for improved productivity and performance in the face of ever growing SoC/IP design sizes and complexities. There is not much scope left in processor speed to improve, other than multi-core processors in servers which again need software properly architected to be thread-able… Read More

Learning Cache Coherency and Cache Coherent Interconnects: ARM White Paper

Learning Cache Coherency and Cache Coherent Interconnects: ARM White Paper
by Eric Esteve on 08-19-2014 at 11:08 am

Cache Coherency is the type of concept that you think you understand, until you try to explain it. It could be wise to come back to fundamentals, and ask what does coherency means to an expert. I have surf the web, found several white papers on ARM site, and now I can try to share these fresh lessons learned (or you may prefer to download… Read More

SEMulator3D: GlobalFoundries Process Variation Reduction

SEMulator3D: GlobalFoundries Process Variation Reduction
by Paul McLellan on 08-19-2014 at 7:01 am

At SEMICON last month, Rohit Pal of GlobalFoundries gave a presentation on their methodology for reducing process variation. It was titled Cpk Based Variation Reduction: 14nm FinFET Technology.

Capability indices such as Cpk is a commonly used technique to assess the variation maturity of a technology. It looks at a given parameter’s… Read More