800x100 Webinar (1)
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DAC Deadlines: Action This Day

DAC Deadlines: Action This Day
by Paul McLellan on 11-02-2014 at 7:00 am

 DAC is coming up. OK, it’s not actually until next June. It is June 7-11th 2015 at the Moscone Center here in San Francisco. But there are lots of important deadlines coming up for papers, panels and more. The 52[SUP]nd[/SUP] DAC will focus on five key tracks:

  • automotive
  • IP design
  • embedded systems
  • hardware/software security
  • electronic design automation (EDA)

I bet we are going to hear a lot about internet of things (IoT) given those focus areas. Each track will include invited talks, embedded tutorials, special sessions/panels, regular research papers and designer tracks. This is where you come in, because those papers and panels don’t come from nowhere. But you also don’t just hand in something a few weeks before DAC, there are long lead times on various aspects of the conference. You need to get started now.

Research Manuscripts (for the conference itself)
Abstract due before 5pm MT November 21, 2014
Manuscript due 5pm MT December 2, 2014
A DAC research paper explores a specific technology problem and proposes a complete solution to it, with extensive experimental results. Submission includes a six-page paper and a short abstract clearly stating the significant contribution, impact, and results of the submission. Authors are encouraged to submit research manuscripts on all aspects of EDA, embedded systems and software as well as automotive design, hardware and software security, and IP design research topics.

“Work-In-Progress” (WIP) Abstracts
Abstract due before 5:00pm MT, November 21, 2014
Manuscript due 5pm MT December 2, 2014

A DAC work-in-progress provides authors an opportunity for early feedback on current work and preliminary results. Authors have two different opportunities to be part of the Work-in-Progress Poster Session.
Option 1: If authors submit a research manuscript and it is not accepted as part of the regular technical program, there will be a second opportunity to have their submission reviewed as part of the DAC WIP poster session.
Option 2: Authors submit a 100-word abstract and a one-page manuscript to be reviewed as part of the DAC Work-in-Progress Poster session.

Special Session Proposals

Due before 5:00pm MT, November 13, 2014
A special session is devoted to the following topics: traditional core EDA, embedded systems and software (ESS), automotive, security, IP design or a topic of future interest. The topic should be presented from an angle that does not overlap with content from traditional research manuscripts, having a more educational component. A complete submission should list at least three inspiring speakers who address the topic from different viewpoints. The special session submission form is streamlined this year, requiring an overall abstract for the special session plus a title, abstract, and speaker names (and contact info).

Technical Panel Proposals
Due before 5:00pm MT, November 13, 2014
A good panel session explores a single, high-level issue or question with representatives of differing viewpoints. Panel suggestions may include anything that might appeal to the DAC’s broad audience as long as the topic is interesting, timely, informative, and enlightening. The topic should be relevant to one or more segments of DAC attendees. Controversy is appropriate and encouraged.

But wait, there’s more…

Workshop Proposals

Due before 5:00pm MT, November 13, 2014

Co-located Conference Proposals

Proposals due before 5:00pm MT, November 13, 2014

The designer track and the IP track have a little bit more time. More details on these later in the year.

Designer Track
Abstract due before 5:00pm MT, January 20, 2015

IP Track

Abstract due before 5:00pm MT, January 20, 2015

Full details of everything are on the DAC website.

More articles by Paul McLellan…

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