800x100 Webinar (1)
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PreEDAC Mixer

PreEDAC Mixer
by Paul McLellan on 02-02-2014 at 11:00 am

 Get together with your fellow industry peers and insiders at the monthly EDAC Mixer, to the benefit of local charities. You don’t need to donate anything, you just show up and pay for your own drinks. A portion of the proceeds will go to local charities, this month to the Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), a volunteer driven non-profit that provides funding for enrichment programs and educational material to enhance the solid academic curriculum and maintain the high quality of education in the Mountain View Whisman School District. To learn more about MVEF, visit their web site here.

When is it? Thursday February 27th at the Savvy Cellar Wine Bar which is at 750 Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View from 6pm to 8pm. That is right next to (actually in) the Mountain View train depot and across the rails from the light rail station.

Although I doubt you will get thrown out if you just attend, EDAC would like you to register (it’s free) so they have some idea of numbers. Register here.

While on the subject of EDAC, nominations for the Kaufman award are now open until February 28th. 2013’s recipient was Chenming Hu, inventor of the FinFET. Nomination forms are here. I’m assuming that it will be presented, as in 2013, at DAC (which is June 1-5th in San Francisco, in case you have been hiding under a stone).

So just in case it isn’t clear, here is what you do:

  • Decide to go
  • Register here
  • Show up at Savvy Cellar, 750 Evelyn at 6pm on 27th Map
  • Mingle with your industry colleagues
  • Pay for any food and drink you consume
  • Savvy Cellar will donate a percentage to MVEF

    More articles by Paul McLellan…

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