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dvconus25 digital ad 800
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DVCon 2020 Virtual Follow-Up Conference!

DVCon 2020 Virtual Follow-Up Conference!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-19-2020 at 6:00 am

As most of you know DVCon 2020 was our first conference to be cut short by the Pandemic. SemiWiki bloggers Bernard Murphy, Mike Gianfagna, and I were there with full schedules but at the last minute it was called off. It really was an eerie feeling, the emptiness of it all.

The rest of our EDA live events followed suit and went virtual which is the new normal. A nice thing about virtual conferences, like webinars, is that you can go back and watch the replays as time permits and that is exactly what DVCon has done for all interested parties (for a limited time).

The program has been available to registered attendees exclusively from May 26 – June 16 and will open to the public from June 17 – August 14.

 “I’m thrilled that we are continuing the 2020 program online with many of the presentations that were unable to be presented during the live conference,” stated Vanessa Cooper, DVCon U.S. Technical Program Committee Chair. “Due to the rapidly evolving environment at the onset of the conference, we were able to pivot the live program quickly and compress if from four days to three, but that still left many without the benefit of the informative, technical material. I’d like to thank the technical program committee for continuing its efforts and coordinating with the presenters to record some of their papers, posters, tutorials and short workshops for this on-demand experience.”

Each session provided registered attendees with the ability to post publicly viewable questions to a forum that were answered by presenters throughout the first three weeks of the online experience. The forums are no longer active but you can still see the Q&A, which quite frequently is the best part, absolutely.

DVCon is sponsored by Accellera Systems Initiative (Accellera) which has a dedicated landing page on SemiWiki HERE.

Please visit the DVCon U.S. 2020 virtual conference website for program details and to access the virtual conference.

DVCon 2020 Banner SemiWiki

Save the date:  DVCon U.S. 2021 will be held March 1-4.

About DVCon
DVCon is the premier conference for discussion of the functional design and verification of electronic systems. DVCon is sponsored by Accellera Systems Initiative, an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating design and verification standards required by systems, semiconductor, intellectual property (IP) and electronic design automation (EDA) companies. For more information about Accellera, please visit www.accellera.org. For more information about DVCon U.S., please visit www.dvcon.org. Follow DVCon on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DVCon or @dvcon_us on Twitter or to comment, please use #dvcon_us.

Also Read:

Accellera Tackles Functional Safety, Mixed-Signal

Functional Safety Comes to EDA and IP

Accellera IP Security Standard: A Start

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