Primarius 2B
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Xilinx Vivado: Faster and Better

Xilinx Vivado: Faster and Better
by Paul McLellan on 10-09-2014 at 7:01 am

When you think of Xilinx the word FPGA is the first that comes to mind. But Xilinx has really moved beyond the sort of simple glue-logic arrays that their first success was built on. A modern array contains processors as well as programmable fabric, hence the Xilinx tag-line “all programmable”. But another area that… Read More

ARM TrustZone and Zynq

ARM TrustZone and Zynq
by Paul McLellan on 09-28-2014 at 10:00 am

Security of embedded devices is becoming more and more important. The requirement for good protection increases as devices become more interconnected: wearable medical devices that connect to the cloud, mobile base stations that are no longer up poles but in much less physically secure areas, cars that communicate among themselves.… Read More

ARM ♥ Xilinx!

ARM ♥ Xilinx!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-28-2014 at 7:00 am

The good news is that as a part of SemiWiki we get free media passes to all of the cool conferences. The bad news is that our inboxes get flooded with announcements. ARM TechCon is next week and my delete button is on overtime but it is interesting to see who is active in conferences and who is not. In this case Xilinx is very active and Altera… Read More

The Must Read FPGA Book – Secrets Inside

The Must Read FPGA Book – Secrets Inside
by Luke Miller on 09-24-2014 at 1:00 pm

Crockett, Elliot, Enderwitz & Stewart is not a law firm, thank goodness… what you’ll find is that these folks are the authors of the world famous book entitled, now hold on here for a title, this is a creative one “The Zynq Book”, It is free, get your download here. Every designer should have this book no matter what FPGA parts they… Read More

Xilinx UltraScale leads the way on connectivity

Xilinx UltraScale leads the way on connectivity
by Luke Miller on 09-21-2014 at 10:00 am

Even though Xilinx FPGAs seem to keep growing in densities and gobbling up boards into a single part, there is still the need for chip to chip connectivity and of course backplane connectivity. Xilinx 20nm UltraScale, TODAY, can really move 28 gb/s over the back plane. This is something that you cannot do with Altera 20nm, they are… Read More

Xilinx UltraScale gives you 25% more packing than you know who…

Xilinx UltraScale gives you 25% more packing than you know who…
by Luke Miller on 08-27-2014 at 11:30 pm

Coke with no ice. You see I am not cheap, or even frugal but a good steward. One of the things that I hate the most is waste. You know lights on in every room, door open during winter and driving 25 miles to save a dollar on gas.

One will notice fairly quickly that with Xilinx UltraScale 20nm FPGAs coupled with the new-fangled analytical … Read More

Develop High Performance Machine Vision in the Blink of an Eye

Develop High Performance Machine Vision in the Blink of an Eye
by Paul McLellan on 08-21-2014 at 7:01 am

The growing capabilities of silicon along with improved algorithms means that machine vision is becoming increasingly important since more and more systems can be built in such areas as manufacturing, intelligent traffic management, bar code scanning, counterfeit detection and even sports simulation. Is that a 3X driver?… Read More

Hybrid Memory Cube and the Intel Knights Landing

Hybrid Memory Cube and the Intel Knights Landing
by Arie Lashansky on 08-07-2014 at 8:00 am

While looking for information on a Xilinx Spartan 6 Project with DDR memory I came across a new type of DRAM called the Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC). The technology made me want to take a closer look:

The Hybrid Memory Cube is like a stack of DDR chips stacked die on die using through silicon vias to interconnect the dies the bottom die in not… Read More

Xilinx, 100 Reasons to use them

Xilinx, 100 Reasons to use them
by Luke Miller on 08-04-2014 at 4:00 pm

We all like compliments, correct? You know the kind that go like, “Glad you didn’t screw that up”. From time to time I get, “You write what you do because you’re affiliated with Xilinx”. Perhaps I will name my next child Xilinx. I have said this before, I do real work (debatable) and trade studies,Read More

IoT will depend on FPGAs

IoT will depend on FPGAs
by Luke Miller on 07-29-2014 at 6:00 am

The IoT (Internet of Things) creates an ambivalence within me. Part of me hates computers and being connected, the other is currently working on a boiler controller that even adaptively predicts and senses when the next wood load is needed and alerts the wife. Yup pray for her. I really use FPGAs and CPLDs around the farm and I am slowly… Read More