Keysight webinar 800x100
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Lead, follow, or catch the next Silicon Valley wave

Lead, follow, or catch the next Silicon Valley wave
by Don Dingee on 12-17-2014 at 2:00 pm

What does the IoT mean for the next wave of Silicon Valley innovators? Looking at the previous waves of semiconductor economic development and the doctrine of “creative destruction” holds clues as to how this one develops and who emerges as the new leaders.

Given seven decades of progress, it may seem semiconductor firms on top … Read More

IEDM: TSMC, Intel and IBM 14/16nm Processes

IEDM: TSMC, Intel and IBM 14/16nm Processes
by Paul McLellan on 12-16-2014 at 7:10 am

This week is IEDM. Three of the presentations today were by TSMC, Intel and IBM going over some of the details of their 14/16nm processes. They don’t provide the slides at IEDM, just the single page papers so this may end up being a somewhat random collection of facts.

TSMC were up first. They talked about the improvements that… Read More

Jean-Louis Gassée on Intel and Mobile

Jean-Louis Gassée on Intel and Mobile
by Paul McLellan on 12-15-2014 at 7:10 am

I came across a very interesting article/blog written over the weekend by Jean-Louis Gassée on Intel and mobile. It covers some similar ground to several of my blog posts on the topic but also has some new facts. And it has additional credibility since Jean-Louis was head of product development and worldwide marketing at Apple (pre-iPhone).… Read More

IDT bolsters RF portfolio amid LTE boom

IDT bolsters RF portfolio amid LTE boom
by Majeed Ahmad on 12-10-2014 at 7:00 pm

The global rollout of fourth-generation wireless (4G) infrastructure requires new architectural frameworks for RF devices with demands like high linearity. Integrated Device Technology (IDT) Inc. is confident that its high-performance RF solutions for high-bandwidth communications will open a new window of opportunity… Read More

TSMC Gets Ready for IoT

TSMC Gets Ready for IoT
by Paul McLellan on 12-10-2014 at 11:36 am

With all the talk about 14/16nm and 10nm it is important to realize that older processes are still important. Eventually 16nm may end up being cheaper than 28nm but for the time being 28nm seems to be a sort of sweet spot, not just cheaper than every process that came before it (which was true for every new node) but also cheaper than every… Read More

Intel has Another First for 14nm Production!

Intel has Another First for 14nm Production!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-10-2014 at 7:00 am

An interesting thing happened while I was researching a slide from Bill Holt’s “Advancing Moore’s Law” presentation at last month’s analyst meeting. Slide #19 mentioned that Intel was the first to use “air gap” dielectric spaces to improve performance in a digital logic flow for microprocessors. I know a certain foundry that … Read More

TSMC Bringing EUV Into Production

TSMC Bringing EUV Into Production
by Paul McLellan on 12-08-2014 at 7:00 am

Last week was ASML’s investor day. I wasn’t there and they haven’t yet got the material posted on their website, so this is all second hand information. As you know, if you have read any of my comments on EUV, I have been dubious about whether EUV would ever work for production.

The three big problems seem to be:

  • source
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TSMC Sees More Growth in 2015!

TSMC Sees More Growth in 2015!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-06-2014 at 8:00 pm

As I wait for my plane to Taiwan I’m wondering what the New Year has in store for the fabless semiconductor ecosystem. Good things I hope but to make sure let’s take another look at one of my trusted economic bellwethers (TSMC) which I’m guessing will break the $25B revenue mark this year. That is more than a 25% growth rate year… Read More

Which IP for FD-SOI Ecosystem?

Which IP for FD-SOI Ecosystem?
by Eric Esteve on 12-06-2014 at 3:00 pm

We know that the best technology or product, even if it exhibits best in class and unmatched features, is almost of no use if lacking an ecosystem. If you think about a processor core, you will expect to find compatible communication bus and memories (inside the SoC) and operating system, compiler, debugger, etc. When dealing with… Read More

Intel is NOT Quitting Mobile!

Intel is NOT Quitting Mobile!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-04-2014 at 9:00 pm

Judging from the presentation Hermann Eul did at NASDAQ this week Intel is still in mobile. This presentation was probably inked before Intel Mobile was folded into the PC Group however. The first clue is Hermann’s title was listed as “General Manager and Vice President, Mobile Communications Group” which he is no longer. Even … Read More