Keysight webinar 800x100
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Expert Advice for the New Intel CEO

Expert Advice for the New Intel CEO
by Daniel Nenni on 02-15-2021 at 10:00 am

Pat Gelsinger Intel CEO

Intel is a semiconductor legend. Founded on July 18, 1968, the name Intel is short for Integrated Electronics. After leading Silicon Valley, the United Sates, and the world into the era of semiconductors through technical excellence, Intel has hit some challenging times. There has been quite a bit of CEO drama that we will look … Read More

Intel Node Names

Intel Node Names
by Scotten Jones on 02-15-2021 at 6:00 am


There is a lot of interest right now in how Intel compares to the leading foundries and what the future may hold.

Several years ago, I published several extremely popular articles converting processes from various companies to “Equivalent Nodes” (EN). Nodes were at one time based on actual physical features of processes but had… Read More

How SerDes Became Key IP for Semiconductor Systems

How SerDes Became Key IP for Semiconductor Systems
by Eric Esteve on 02-14-2021 at 10:00 am

Ethernet bandwidth

We have seen that the interface IP category is seeing incredibly high growth rate over the last two decades and we expect this category to generate an ongoing high source of IP revenues for at least another decade. But if we dig into the various successful protocols like PCI Express, Ethernet or USB, we can detect a common function … Read More

Will EUV take a Breather in 2021?

Will EUV take a Breather in 2021?
by Robert Maire on 02-07-2021 at 6:00 am

KLA EUV Slowdown

-KLAC- Solid QTR & Guide but flat 2021 outlook
-Display down & more memory mix
-KLAC has very solid Dec Qtr & guide but 2021 looks flattish
-Mix shift to memory doesn’t help- Display weakness
-Despite flat still looking at double digit growth
-EUV driven business may see some slowing from digestion

As always, … Read More

New Intel CEO Commits to Remaining an IDM

New Intel CEO Commits to Remaining an IDM
by Robert Maire on 01-25-2021 at 6:00 am

Pat Gelsinger Intel CEO

-Intel good results had a little extra help to be great
-New CEO commits to remaining an IDM versus fabless
-Claims of strong progress on 7NM fuel optimism inside
-Outsourcing to TSMC will not go away but will increase

A good quarter but with some silicon enhancements from ICAP

Intel reported Revenues of $20B and EPS of $1.52, which… Read More

The Latest in Dielectrics for Advanced Process Nodes

The Latest in Dielectrics for Advanced Process Nodes
by Tom Dillinger on 01-12-2021 at 6:00 am

new ILDs v2

Of the three types of materials used in microelectronics – i.e., semiconductors, metals, and dielectrics – the first two often get the most attention.  Yet, there is a pressing need for a rich variety of dielectric materials in device fabrication and interconnect isolation to satisfy the performance, power, and reliability … Read More

Technology Optimization for Magnetoresistive RAM (STT-MRAM)

Technology Optimization for Magnetoresistive RAM (STT-MRAM)
by Tom Dillinger on 01-06-2021 at 6:00 am

profile simulations

Spin-transfer torque magnetoresistive RAM (STT-MRAM) has emerged from several foundries as a very attractive IP option.  An introduction to MRAM technology from GLOBALFOUNDRIES was provided in this earlier SemiWiki article. [1]

Briefly, STT-MRAM is a non-volatile storage option with the following attractive characteristics… Read More

Optimization for pFET Nanosheet Devices

Optimization for pFET Nanosheet Devices
by Tom Dillinger on 01-04-2021 at 6:00 am

Intel flow TEM

The next transition from current FinFET devices at advanced process nodes is the “nanosheet” device, as depicted in the figure below. [1]

The FinFET provides improved gate-to-channel electrostatic control compared to a planar device, where the gate traverses three sides of the fin.  The “gate-all-around” characteristics… Read More

A Research Update on Carbon Nanotube Fabrication

A Research Update on Carbon Nanotube Fabrication
by Tom Dillinger on 12-22-2020 at 10:00 am

IV measurement testchip

It is quite amazing that silicon-based devices have been the foundation of our industry for over 60 years, as it was clear that the initial germanium-based devices would be difficult to integrate at a larger scale.  (GaAs devices have also developed a unique microelectronics market segment.)  More recently, it is also rather … Read More

3DIC Design, Implementation, and (especially) Test

3DIC Design, Implementation, and (especially) Test
by Tom Dillinger on 12-20-2020 at 8:00 am

IO cell

The introduction of direct die-to-die bonding technology into high volume production has the potential to substantially affect the evolution of the microelectronics industry.  The concerns relative to the “end of Moore’s Law”, the diminishing returns of continued (monolithic) CMOS process scaling, and the disruptive effect… Read More