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Synopsys MIPI M-PHY in 28nm introduction with Arteris

Synopsys MIPI M-PHY in 28nm introduction with Arteris
by Eric Esteve on 02-29-2012 at 8:05 am

MIPI set of specifications (supported by dedicated controllers) are completed by a PHY function, the D-PHY or the M-PHY function. The D-PHY was the first to be released, and most of the MIPI functions supported in a smartphone we are using today probably still use a D-PHY, but the latest MIPI specifications have been developed based… Read More

Yalta is Dead! Synopsys offensive in VIP restart the cold war

Yalta is Dead! Synopsys offensive in VIP restart the cold war
by Eric Esteve on 02-27-2012 at 11:29 am

Last year, you could claim (like I did in this blog) that Cadence was making money with large VIP port-folio, when Synopsys was managing sales of a large Design IP port-folio (thanks to a successful acquisition strategy in the 2000’s). But the latest acquisitions made by Synopsys of VIP centric companies like nSys or ExpertIO should… Read More

Multicore SoC Architecture Optimization

Multicore SoC Architecture Optimization
by Eric Esteve on 02-16-2012 at 5:36 am

Once again with Synopsys and Arteris, the innovation is coming to solve an issue, faced by their potential customers: “In our research, we’ve found that almost half of project delays are caused by problems with the system architecture design and specification,” said Chris Rommel, vice president, embedded… Read More

Synopsys latest acquisitions: ExpertIO (VIP) and Inventure (IP)… Any counter-attack from Cadence?

Synopsys latest acquisitions: ExpertIO (VIP) and Inventure (IP)… Any counter-attack from Cadence?
by Eric Esteve on 02-07-2012 at 12:29 pm

Even if ExpertIO acquisition by Synopsys, coming after nSys acquisition a couple of months ago, will not have a major impact on Synopsys’ balance sheet, it will again change the Verification IP market landscape. The acquisition of Inventure, a subsidiary of Zuken, will have a major impact on the Interface IP market, even if it’s… Read More

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year
by Eric Esteve on 11-09-2011 at 9:19 am

Is it surprising to see that Synopsys has been selected Interface IP partner of the year by TSMC? Not really, as the company is the clear leader on this IP market segment (which includes USB, PCI Express, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI and others protocols like Ethernet, DisplayPort, Hyper Transport, Infiniband, Serial RapidIO…). But,… Read More

Interview with Eric Esteve IPNest made by Synopsys

Interview with Eric Esteve IPNest made by Synopsys
by Eric Esteve on 10-27-2011 at 11:15 am

Introduction from Hezi Saar: Eric’s latest viewpoints and reports are host onIPnestas well as on Semiwikiand you can find information related to various Interface IP: USB 3.0, PCIe, SATA, DDRn, MIPI, HDMI and more.

Q: Eric, give us a quick introduction about your background as it relates to interface IP
A: I have spent 20 years workingRead More

USB 3.0 PHY Verification: how to manage AMS IP verification?

USB 3.0 PHY Verification: how to manage AMS IP verification?
by Eric Esteve on 10-18-2011 at 6:38 am

Very interesting question from Zahrein in this thread: “how to manage an embedded USB 3.0 PHY Verification”? To clearly position the problem, Zahrein need to run the RTL verification of a complete SoC integrating an USB 3.0 function, that is the Controller (digital) and the PHY (Analog Mixed Signal) embedded in the SoC. The question,… Read More

SuperSpeed USB finally take off! Synopsys claim over 40 USB 3.0 IP sales…

SuperSpeed USB finally take off! Synopsys claim over 40 USB 3.0 IP sales…
by Eric Esteve on 10-06-2011 at 9:06 am

SuperSpeed USB specification was released in November 2008! Even if we can see USB 3.0 powered peripherals shipping now, essentially external HDD, connected to PC equipped with Host Bus Adaptors (as PC chipset from Intel or AMD were not supporting USB 3.0), it will take up to the second quarter of 2012 before PC will be shipped withRead More

Synopsys STAR Webinar, embedded memory test and repair solutions

Synopsys STAR Webinar, embedded memory test and repair solutions
by Eric Esteve on 09-12-2011 at 8:16 am

The acquisitions of Virage Logic by Synopsys in 2010, have allowed building a stronger, diversified IP port-folio, including the embedded SRAM, embedded non-volatile memory and embedded test and repair solution. Looking back in time, I remember the end of the 80’s: at that time the up-to-date solution to embed SRAM in your ASIC… Read More

What changes to expect in Verification IP landscape after Synopsys acquisition of nSys?

What changes to expect in Verification IP landscape after Synopsys acquisition of nSys?
by Eric Esteve on 09-05-2011 at 4:53 am

Even if nSys acquisition by Synopsys will not have a major impact on Synopsys’ balance sheet, it is a kind of earthquake in the Verification market landscape. After the Denali acquisition by Cadence in 2010, nSys was most probably the market leader in verification IP, if we look at the independent VIP providers (excluding Cadence).… Read More