Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
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    [description] => Internet of Things
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    [category_description] => Internet of Things
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Arteris Adds Functional Safety to NoC

Arteris Adds Functional Safety to NoC
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-17-2015 at 1:00 pm

Arteris Inc.has joined hands with Yogitech S.p.A. to help automotive system-on-chip (SoC) designers meet the required functional safety metrics and obtain the ISO 26262 certification for automotive safety integrity levels (ASIL) in the least possible time.

Arteris—which provides network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect IPRead More

Secure Processor for IoT

Secure Processor for IoT
by barun on 02-16-2015 at 1:00 pm

In my last blog “Processor for IoT” I have discussed security as one of the key requirements for processor used in IoT devices. In this blog we will analyze different method of hacking and some techniques which can be used to prevent those security breaches.

One of the common ways of attack is to probe address and data … Read More

ADAS Going Mainstream One Chip at a Time

ADAS Going Mainstream One Chip at a Time
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-12-2015 at 1:00 pm

Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) are an essential element in the vision of autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles, and they are becoming available today. The ADAS automotive technology raises driving safety by detecting obstacles around the vehicle such as other vehicles and pedestrians, as well as traffic signs… Read More

Webinar: How IoT Designs Driven by Cost Power Security

Webinar: How IoT Designs Driven by Cost Power Security
by admin on 02-08-2015 at 8:30 pm

SoCs being developed for the fast growth Internet-of-Things market will sell for and operate on a small fraction of the power of mobile devices’ chips. More importantly, IoT SoCs will be far more vulnerable to hacker attacks than the much better protected chips in portable devices. As a result, designers developing SoCs targeting… Read More

Google Glass: The Second Coming and a Brief History

Google Glass: The Second Coming and a Brief History
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-05-2015 at 4:00 pm

Google Glass is dead; long live Google Glass. That’s how Ori Inbar stated the recent closure of Google Glass beta-test project in his report titled “Smart Glasses Market 2015: Towards 1 Billion Shipments” released by www.augmentedreality.org.

Inbar says that Google, a smart glass pioneer, not only compromised its status in … Read More

OpenHAB Aims to Bring Open Source and Local Control to IoT?

OpenHAB Aims to Bring Open Source and Local Control to IoT?
by Tom Simon on 02-02-2015 at 7:00 pm

The predominant model for IoT sensor data flow is for data collection on the device and data storage, analysis and access in the cloud. By cloud, I mean that particular vendor’s servers. This is true for Fitbit, Nest, Dropcam,Trace Snow (my favorite skiing app), Smart Things, etc. If you look up IBM’s presumptuously named InternetRead More

NoC 102: Using SonicsGN to Address Low Power Requirements From IoT to Servers

NoC 102: Using SonicsGN to Address Low Power Requirements From IoT to Servers
by Paul McLellan on 01-29-2015 at 7:00 am

At the end of last year, I moderated a Sonics webinar to introduce the concept of a network-on-chip or NoC. It was called NoC 101 and the replay is still available here.

Well it is a new year and time for chapter 2. I will be moderating a webinar next Wednesday February 4th at 10am pacific time. Once again the webinar itself will be delivered… Read More

Industrial Internet “In-Security” – Awaiting a Cyber Pearl Harbor?

Industrial Internet “In-Security” – Awaiting a Cyber Pearl Harbor?
by Charles DiLisio on 01-24-2015 at 7:00 pm

You feel violated when internet intruders (hackers) cause digital harm (theft of social security numbers, credit cards, logins, e-mails or addresses), however, it’s frightening when organized cyber attacks destroy critical physical infrastructure (disrupt water, power or gas). Its annoying having to update passwords … Read More

Google Glass is Dead, ARA Phone is Prototyped

Google Glass is Dead, ARA Phone is Prototyped
by Eric Esteve on 01-16-2015 at 1:00 pm

These two products are linked because they have been invented by Google and both are disruptive technologies. Like was the Apple’s Newton tablet launched in CES Chicago in 1992 and finally stopped in 1998, due to the lack of success. To born again in 2010 as the well-known and best seller iPad in 2010, creating a new market segment … Read More

2015 International CES: wearables and smart home

2015 International CES: wearables and smart home
by Bill Jewell on 01-13-2015 at 7:00 pm

2015 International CES was held last week in Las Vegas. The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) which puts on the show said over 170,000 people attended. The show featured more than 3,600 exhibitors covering over 2.2 million square feet of exhibit space.

In advance of the show, CEA released highlights of its forecast for the… Read More