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Here is what ‘‘Internet of Things’’ will do for Intelligent Transportation

Here is what ‘‘Internet of Things’’ will do for Intelligent Transportation
by Raj Kosaraju on 02-04-2016 at 12:00 pm

Transportation sector is growing, and we can already see that a fleet of autonomous, shared vehicles – connected to the road infrastructure, to the Internet and to a broader network of public transit options – will create incredible value. The transport sector is trying its level best to improve the safety, reliability, and cost of transportation. And, there is no doubt that if they are provided with better information and connectivity, they will do lot more.

It has made one thing very clear and that is the more, the smart devices are used in the transport, the lesser traffic, parking and vehicles issues are likely to take place. This is where Internet of Things sounds helpful. It has not only taken the lead in the healthcare and automobile sector, but has also left a big impact on the transport. The internet of everything (IoE) promises to disrupt every aspect of our lives and the Transportation experience is no exception. Internet of Things enabled devices equipped with sensors are highly used in the transport sector.

However, the system is down right scary as it exists today! In 2015 DOT officials emphasize on the reports that we need to spend $120 billion on highways and bridges between 2015 and 2020, while spending at all levels of government is just $83 billion; we need $43 billion for public transit, while it’s currently at a dismal $17 billion. Today, our road system scores a mere “D+” grade when compared to the rest of the world. ( Beyond Traffic: The Blue Paper, Feb 2015)

1) Creating Rapid Strides
A whole new world is coming our way. Technology is allowing us to reimagine our future transportation system. It’s hard to be precise, but I think we’ll be cycling and walking more; in crowded urban areas we may see travellators – which we see in airports already – and more two-wheelers and scooters. It’s not difficult to predict how our transport infrastructure will look in 25 years’ time – it can take decades to construct a high-speed rail line or a motorway, so we know now what’s in store. Advances in connected automation, navigation, communication, robotics, and smart cities—coupled with a surge in transportation-related data—will dramatically change how we travel and deliver goods and services. Automation in the field of transportation is everywhere. We are going to see a LOT of multi-level, roads and highways in the near future.

2) How IoT will affect traffic technology over the next 10-20 years
For the most part transportation will be a thing of the past, with most people working at home. Smart connectivity with existing networks and context-aware computation using network resources is an indispensable part of IoT. With the growing presence of WiFi and 4G-LTE wireless Internet access, the evolution towards ubiquitous information and communication networks is already evident. Moreover individual vehicles, freight, and public transport can all be improved by online information and communication between drivers and a central information hub.

Intelligent Transport systems for buses, trains, and passengers themselves will combine to make traveling easier and less stressful. One of the ways IoT can benefit the UK is “Intelligent Transport Systems” (ITS). And it is noteworthy to be mentioned about Ofcom. Ofcom’s vision is a world where cars communicate with each other, making traveling from A to B “smoother and safer.” It is assumed these systems could be in place in the next 10-30 years. Many city centres in Europe are banning the private car. So, there are now and will be more places that are free of traffic. Mobility – the speed and directness of travel – and the density of activities are the two determinants of a city’s accessibility and thus economic vitality. Moving people faster and more directly in order to expand accessibility should be the primary mission of transport agencies.

3) To make Routes Safer and Transport more Reliable

They can make transport safer, more efficient and more sustainable by applying various information and communication technologies to all modes of passenger and freight transport. Moreover, the integration of existing technologies can create new services. ITS are key to support jobs and growth in the transport sector. But in order to be effective, the roll-out of ITS needs to be coherent and properly coordinated across the EU. It also mentions less air and noise pollution as a result – even talking about traffic free zones in cities. There are companies that mention the technology could help cars take the shortest possible route, thereby reducing CO2 emissions. It could even warn drivers about school zones to avoid going into busy areas with lots of children, and even cooperate with pedestrians’ mobile phones to alert drivers and help them navigate fewer hazards. Today, drivers themselves react to transport systems: warning signs on bridges, real-time information on digital alert boards.

4) Seeking Assistance from the Cloud

Transportation is an enormous issue for cities in regards to commerce, environmental impact, and quality of life. Within transportation, parking is an issue that affects everyone – from drivers to merchants, to city governments. Both transportation and parking are quickly gaining traction as key priorities for cities as metropolitan area populations continue to increase and cities examine how to leverage technology to make their communities more liveable. There are already several apps that help drivers find parking spaces. But imagine a car that could identify an empty parking space as it passes by and then upload that information to the cloud. New and existing apps could then use the real-time data to improve alerts to drivers about open spaces nearby.

This new functionality could also help eliminate the time and resources we waste parking our cars. This is where vehicles and roadside units communicate through nodes in order to provide each other with information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. The information is then applied to solutions that can be utilized by road users such as red light warnings, automatic tolling, and routing and navigation information. The wants to change the way people live through parking, a universal challenge that’s seen little innovation in years. There are several companies which are helping cities utilize Smart Parking technology to realize the benefits of smarter transportation, including reduced traffic and emissions, more vibrant local economies, and better quality of life for citizens.

In closing,
Over the next few years, we see Internet of Things becoming an integral part of our lives, whether it is through Smart homes, Smart cars, Transportation or smart health care. It’s clear that the IoT will disrupt most industries. The transportation systems around which the modern world has been built are on the verge of a significant transformation. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are making driving and traffic management better and safer for everyone. New technology for on-road communications will dramatically change how vehicles operate and provide information and capabilities for better, real-time traffic management — if the necessary network infrastructure is in place.

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