When I had to define the various IP categories (processor, analog & mixed-signal, wired interfaces, etc.) to build the Design IP Report, I scratched my head for a while about the processor main category: how to define the sub-categories? Not that long ago, it was easy to identify a CPU IP core and a DSP IP core. As of today, if a DSP… Read More
Author: Eric Esteve
Is ARC HS4xD Family More a CPU or DSP IP Core?
CPU, GPU, H/W Accelerator or DSP to Best Address CNN Algorithms?
If you read an article dealing with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), you will probably hear about the battle between CPU and GPU, both off-the-shelf standard product. Addressing CNN processing needs with standard CPU or GPU is like having to sink a screw when you only have a hammer or a monkey wrench available. You can dissert… Read More
Webinar: Recipe to consume less than 0.5 µA in sleep mode
Dolphin is addressing the ultra-low-power (ULP) needs for some applications, like for example Bluetooth low energy (BLE), machine-to-machine (M2M) or IoT edge devices in general. For these applications, defining active and sleep modes is imperative, but it may not be enough to guarantee that the battery-powered system will… Read More
Data Center Explosion Push for Fast Adoption of 25G
The data center rack server market is estimated to growat a high Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20% to reach $90 billion by 2021. Such growth is due to the significantly rise in the number of connected devices, the growth in the volume of data per device and theneed for quick processing of high-volume data. Much of these data … Read More
1.2 Terabit/s C2C Interface? Only with Interlaken!
If you are familiar with high bandwidth networking applications, you probably know this chip-to-chip (C2C) interface protocol. Interlaken architecture, fully flexible, configurable and scalable, is also an elegant answer to the need for very high bandwidth C2C communication. Interlaken is elegant because the protocol … Read More
IP Vendors: Call for Contribution to the Design IP Report!
The EDA & IP industry enjoys high growth for the Design IP segment, but a detailed analysis tool is missing. IPnest will address this need in 2017, expecting the IP vendors’ contribution! If we consider the results posted last March by the ESD Alliance, the EDA (and IP) industry is doing extremely well, as the global revenue has… Read More
When Will we Replace the 3.5 mm Jack in Modern Phones?
You have certainly experienced that modern mobile phones are used for more than phone calls and do not have room for multiple connectors. A new approach for audio connectivity is needed, allowing product designers to retire the 3.5mm jack. Considering the USB audio protocol to replace the analog audio solutions, typically using… Read More
Apple Going (IP) Vertical with no Imagination!
What conclusion could we derive from the recent (April 3) PR from Imagination where we learn that the company “has been notified by Apple Inc. (“Apple”), its largest customer, that Apple is of a view that it will no longer use the Group’s intellectual property in its new products in 15 months to two years time, and as such will not be … Read More
Driver Assistance and Autonomous? Need ASIL D Ready Certified CPU!
The automotive segment is moving from a kind of niche, filled with commodities and highly specialized low complexity IC, to an innovative and very dynamic segment attracting most of the big players, from Qualcomm to Nvidia or Intel. These chip makers are targeting automotive as they need to find new growth areas, and they have quickly… Read More
Wireless 5G BTS Need Super DSP core… CEVA XC-12
Once upon a time, one wireless base station (BTS) was expected to support one, and only one wireless protocol, like GSM (2G), first deployed in Finland in 1991, or CDMAOne (also 2G) developed by Qualcomm and released through the TIA in 1995. Just a precision: the GSM modem speed was reaching 14.4 Kbps (with only 9.6 Kbps usable by end-user)… Read More
Will 50% of New High Performance Computing (HPC) Chip Designs be Multi-Die in 2025?