RISC-V Ready (Tools) Set (Security) Go (Build)

RISC-V Ready (Tools) Set (Security) Go (Build)
by Camille Kokozaki on 06-26-2018 at 12:00 pm

The second Bay Area RISC-V Meetup event was held at the DoubleTree Hilton in Burlingame on June 19 with about 150 attendees. This event was hosted by SiFive and started with a networking session. The topics and speakers for the evening were:

  • Commercial Software Tools – Larry Lapides, Imperas
  • Securing RISC-V Processors
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ISO 26262: Automotive electronics safety gets an update in 2018

ISO 26262: Automotive electronics safety gets an update in 2018
by Tom Simon on 05-02-2018 at 12:00 pm

In the field of automotive electronics, the year 2011 was a long time ago. So, it is about time that the initial ISO 26262 specification that was adopted back then gets an update. The latest version will be known as ISO26262:2018 and will expand the scope of the original to cover more types of vehicles. It will add an entire section on… Read More

I switched to Aldec Active-HDL

I switched to Aldec Active-HDL
by Luke Miller on 02-12-2014 at 3:00 pm

I have written this before, but I was a ModelSim snob. That has changed after trying Active-HDL from Aldec. I have no plans on going back to ModelSim. You ask why? Well astute reader, great question. Unfortunately these blogs are text limited and there is no way to write about all the bells and whistles of Active-HDL. So before I continue,… Read More

Better, Faster, Cheaper: Evaluating EDA tools

Better, Faster, Cheaper: Evaluating EDA tools
by Randy Smith on 05-20-2013 at 3:30 pm

With DAC approaching, it is a good time for both EDA companies and their customers to take a deeper look at the evaluation process of EDA tools, and how EDA companies position their tools. I hope this is useful for customers and vendors alike.

When it comes to positioning EDA tools in the marketplace there are really only three meaningful… Read More

Are there enough FPGA tools?

Are there enough FPGA tools?
by Luke Miller on 05-09-2013 at 9:00 pm

Sometimes I send my boy to grab me a tool and hours later he comes back with the wrong one. The patient man that I am, I calmly explain what I mean and then the world is right once more. Believe that do ya?

As you know the world is flooded with tools, tools and more tools. We all have our ruts and favorite flows and such but given the huge FPGA … Read More

Which is the best FPGA – Xilinx

Which is the best FPGA – Xilinx
by Luke Miller on 05-06-2013 at 10:00 am

Your corporate training will teach you there is no such thing as stereo types and they are bad, naughty. We all know they are true; it’s just some companies now of days try to force the worker bees to do a flash erase and drop your brain at the door. I never participated in that and as you can imagine it went very well. Dilbert is true…

I am … Read More

Will the last 8051 please turn out the lights?

Will the last 8051 please turn out the lights?
by Don Dingee on 02-21-2012 at 2:38 pm

The words no engineer or supply chain professional wants to hear: end-of-life. It’s a reality of the semiconductor business, however – even the cheapest parts reach the point, eventually, where producing and selling them becomes inefficient. Is it reasonable that a microcontroller architecture outlive the people… Read More